Dating Draco While Being A Hufflepuff Would Include

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• Having secret hide outs to meet late at night

• Eating lunch together in your hid outs 5 times a week

•Going on dates near the black lake

• Having Dracos blanket on your four poster while he had yours

• Being told that you changed Draco from being rude to kind

•Having matching rings and socks

• Being the only person Draco has never bullied

• Him telling you that you look adorable in your yellow Hufflepuff robe

• Him having to keep the bird situation from you since you love animals

• Him not bullying your friends

• Being told that Draco was using you since they think that he would never date a Hufflepuff

• You being one of the first people to know about his mark

• Telling him that you couldn’t careless

• Becoming friends with his friends and him becomes friends with yours

• Sharing notes in the Great Hall with certain charms for no one notices

• Your patronus being a Ferret

• You forgiving Draco for everything since you have a big heart

• Draco playing with your hair making you fall asleep in his arms

• Draco using everything in his power to keep you safe and hidden when the war came up

• Cutting off all communication with the golden trio after Harry hurt Draco in the bathroom

• Your guys kids being in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin

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