Draco Malfoy

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You and the Slytherin Prince himself were together. Well, not in a relationship, but you had a deal both of you understood.

When the Dark Lord made his return, you and Draco found safety in each others company. But that was it; sex with no strings attached.

It was good for a while and it helped you both feel something other than misery and pain. For example, when Draco has a particularly bad day, he would seek you out and fuck his emotions away. And you were okay with that. Until you weren’t.

Every time he fucked you, he would finish and then get ready to leave. And every time he did so, he was chipping away at your heart, unaware of what he was putting you through. However you had enough.

The blond wizard was starting to making his way towards your dorm door when you, stupidly, confessed your feelings to him. He froze when he heard those three words leave your mouth and declare he would never reciprocate those feelings. Oh, and he said that whatever you had, is over. And that was probably what hurt the most; you would never feel his touch again.

A few weeks had passed before you, Hermione, Ron and Harry were on the run. You avoided the snatchers and Draco was barely on your mind. You still thought about him sometimes because you had a sneaking suspicion what was happening to him at Malfoy Manor, but that was rarely.

Apparently your luck had run out as the snatchers has found and, well, snatched you. You thought that they were going to bring you to the Minister of Magic, but instead they took you to Malfoy Manner.

Ron and Harry were thrown into the cellar whilst you and Hermione were still being held upstairs. And that’s when you saw him. The familiar blond haired boy who took your heart and played it like a fiddle. And it broke you all over again. He had dark rings under his eyes and he looked sickly, pale. He looked terrible.

“Draco.” You whispered accidentally. You didn’t mean to say his name, but it slipped out before you could stop yourself.

Draco tried to ignore your presence. Ever since you had professed your love to him, he had hated himself. Hated himself for breaking your heart, hating himself for not making sure you were okay and most of all, he hated himself for not saying he loved you aswell.

“Well, well, well.” The voice of the deranged Bellatrix LeStrange rung out through the room, sending shivers down your spine. “Is this Y/N L/N? Daughter of Y/M/N and Y/F/N?”

You looked over at the black haired woman, confused on how she knew your late parents. Apparently she noticed this as she started laughing psychotically.

“Didn’t Drakey tell you?” You flicked your eyes over to the Slytherin Prince, confused now more than ever. “Drakey’s father, my brother-in-law, was the one to kill your parents.”

She laughed again whilst your heart broke even more, which you didn’t even know was possible. Lucius Malfoy killed your parents? Why the fuck didn’t Draco tell you?

Draco watched the way your heart broke. It was similar to the way you looked that night, but this was different. He betrayed you. He knew that you trusted him even if you didn’t say it outright, and he fucked it all up. He knew what was running through your head and it hurt him. Yes he knew that his father killed your parents, but he never had the heart to tell you. He was a coward and he’s paying the price for it.

“Oh yes, Lucius used the Cruciatus curse on them and they were screaming. Begging him to not hurt you.” At this point, Bellatrix was laughing hysterically, clearly getting off on your reaction. You were telling her to stop, shouting at her to shut up. She was putting you through hell and she knew it. And she liked it.

“And when they thought it was all over, he used the killing curse on them.” The curly haired witch stalked up to you, getting close to your ear before adding, “And that’s exactly what I’m going to do you.”

Draco heard what his aunt said and was about to go up to where you both were, but Narcissa stopped him. He briefly looked over to Hermione and saw that she had tears in her eyes. It was clear that as much as she wanted to look away from the scene playing out in front of them, she couldn’t. And neither could he.

Malfoy was expecting to see you begging for your life, crying you heart out. But you didn’t. You stood there, lifeless. You stared Bellatrix straight in the eye before facing Draco. The look you had in your eye told him what you were about to do.

“Do it.” You said, void of emotion whilst mainting eye contact with Malfoy. “I’ve got nothing to live for, anyway.”

Draco was two seconds before getting his wand out and cursing his aunt. But that was two seconds to late. LeStrange backed up a bit before using the oh-so-familiar killing curse on you. He couldn’t actually hear anything, although. His heart was pounding in his ears but that didn’t matter. He saw the green light and you falling to the ground.

Draco heard the scream and cry of Hermione, signifying he got his hearing back, but he couldn’t move. The person he loved, the person who put him first before anyone else had just been killed infront of him. All because he was too much of a coward to admit to anything.

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