Dating George Weasley Would Include

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● okay so first of all before you both even get together, he won't shut up about you at all. especially to fred, who rolls his eyes whenever george brings you up.

● whenever you walk by fred has to deal with him being this flustered mess. once your gone though he has to hear things along the lines of “isn't she just so perfect fred?” etc etc.

● constantly staring at you during classes. and oh boy if you catch him, he’ll be blushing for the rest of the day. he's definitely been hit by a bludger or two during quidditch matches just because he's been too busy looking at you in the stands, leaving him hanging off of his broom most of the time.

● queue loads of teasing from fred.

● “oi george! you’ve already fell for her you don't need to do it again”

● eventually fred gets fed up of him pining after you and takes matters into his own hands. he locks you both in a closet until he admitted his feelings for you, and luckily enough you felt the same and your relationship has been going strong ever since. 

● takes you on your first date to madame puddifoot’s, which ends up being a bit of a disaster as george can be clumsy at times and kept knocking things over. this did make you laugh though and it was good to act like a snob for the day.

● him always calling you the cutest nicknames.

● probably wouldn't be into PDA as much as fred would be. mainly because he wants to keep that stuff private, just for you and him. would definitely hold your hand a lot though, and give you pecks quite often just nothing too over the top.

● in private, it’s a whole other story. he's always all over you. literally. this boy will just lie himself down on top of you. and refuses to move. so good luck if you have plans.

definite big spoon.

● he loves teasing you. if you're small, he loves when you try and kiss him and cant reach, and will purposely stand even taller just bc he thinks it’s funny. 

● always walks you to class, even if this makes him late for his own.

● i feel like he'd get jealous quite often. not anything excessive, but if he sees anyone flirting with you or staring at you in a non platonic way he wouldn't be happy. down to the fact that he's had to share most things in his life with all his brothers and he often feels like he's in freds shadow, so now he has someone that is his, that he doesn't have to share with anyone else and he wants to keep it that way.

● spending most holidays at the burrow, and having a collection of jumpers from molly. 

● but you end up stealing georges most of the time anyway.

● “why can’t you just wear your own Y/N?” “why should i when yours smell better?”

● playing pranks on each other. so often that people almost always turn the other way when they see either of you looking suspicious. 

● he lives to make you laugh, even if that means embarrassing himself in the process.

● one time you were both in herbology when you hear “hey Y/N! watch this.” you turn to see him juggling plant pots. very bad idea as he can't keep up and one comes down and smashes on his head. 

● he spends the rest of the day in the infirmary, you by his side. he may be an idiot but he was your idiot and you loved him.

● always takes you on romantic dates. 

● always surprising you with small gifts even though you've told him you don't want him spending his money on you. 

● being each others first time and him making it as romantic as he could for you. 

● fred bragging 24/7 that he's the reason you both are together.

● being quite upset when you learn that fred and him were leaving school, which causes some tension between you two. you love him, and don't know how you’ll handle not being able to see him every day.

● overall though you are very supportive of his dreams and believing in him 100%.

● after you graduate you both move in together and help out at the joke shop.

● fighting by his side during the war

● straight after, george proposes as he realises he can't live without you and the thought that he could have lost you scared him half to death.

● getting married and living happily ever after. the end xx

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