Imagine Being Neville's older sister and the twins have a crush on you

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“I didn’t know you wore those, Neville.” Fred smirks as he holds up a silk bra. George laughs at the blushing dark haired student.

“I think Grandma accidentally switched out packages again, Nev.” You sigh as you set down the box of boxer, packets of seeds, and other things.

“I think so.” Your younger brother shyly nods, dropping the garment and quickly putting the lid back on it.

“Next time I think she should label it before she closes it.” You smile down at him, he quickly nods without making eye contact. “Sorry for mortifying you, kid.” You ruffle his hair.

“Not the first time.” He mumbles, you frown.

“Well,” You let out a deep breath. “I’ll make it up to you at Hogsmeade this weekend then, yeah?” You send him a hopeful smile.

“You don’t have to--”

“I want to.” You cut him off. “This is the fifth time this year alone that Grandma sent you my knickers.” You remind. “The least I can do is buy you something from Zonko’s or Honeydukes for the embarrassment I have caused you.”

“Alright.” He nods.

“Fantastic.” You set a hand on his jaw and lean down to peck his cheek. “See you later, bud.”

“Cya.” He sends you a tight-lip smile as you walk back down the aisle. Once he sees you sit back down by your friends, he turns back to the twins. “What?” He questions noticing how their eyes are wide and their jaws are dropped.

“You didn’t tell us that your sister is the hottest girl in school.” George leans forward and whispers to him.

“She’s absolutely peg, man.” Fred gapes.

“I didn’t know I was obligated to inform you guys on that.” Neville admits, absent-mindedly shifting through the different things in his care package.

“Of course you were.” Fred demands.

“We’ve had a crush on (Y/N) since we saw her on the Hogwarts express first year.” George informs, Neville shrugs.

“It’s not my fault that neither of you have manned up and asked her out yet.” He deadpans, reading the label on one of the seed packets.

The gingers’ eyebrows shoot up at the usual shy boy’s bold statement... but they both give each other a sad look knowing that Neville is right.

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