Fred Weasley

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Christmas lights glistened as the whole lot of wild Weasley’s gathered around the fire. The burning fire pit crackled and sizzled creating a warm cozy aroma around the whole living room. Hot chocolate occupied almost every family member’s hands while the family listened intently as all the Weasley children shared found memories from past Christmases as a sort of holiday tradition.

Y/n on the other hand was snuggled up tightly against her boyfriend of four years, Fred Weasley’s, side under a mountain high pile of quilted blankets. Fred’s arm was thrown loosely around the back end of the loveseat brushing up against her shoulder. Y/n had her hand rested softly on his firm chest focusing her undivided attention to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

Ever since the pair had started dating, Y/n had joined her loving boyfriend on every holiday event regarding his huge tightknit family. Y/n longed for nothing more than a caring family and that was exactly what she got the moment the wicked yet charming Weasley twin waltzed into her life.

Fred Weasley had appeared to Y/n in the most unexpected of time but also in the most needed. She wasn’t looking for a lover, rather so a friend instead. That of course was how the two of them started out of course. The quick witted Weasley boy had mistaken the h/c h/n for Pansy Parkinson, despite the obvious difference between the two and accidently charmed a pool full of sticky syrup to coat her from head to toe. Then without giving her a second to respond let alone scream, set out a whirlwind of pure white feathers flying in her direction gluing itself onto her delicate skin.  

Being the classy and respectable witch she was, Y/n was beyond furious but held herself back with all her might from exploding on him. Rather so she gave him her time of day to apologize and offer a deal on how he would make it up to her. Fred suggested a romantic date on the lake as a proposal for her forgiveness. Y/n had debated furiously over the idea of allowing the king of pranks to take her on a date but in the end gave in seeing no harm in giving him a fair enough chance. To sum it up, the date had gone horrible wrong…. though in a good way. 

Fred had spilled the butterbeer all over his robes and the bag full of sweets had melted in the sun making the picnic basket Fred had spent so much time planning out a sticky mess. In attempt to make it up to Y/n, a girl he barley even knew once again, Fred decided the two should go on a short boat ride around the perimeter of the lake, hoping to get to know Y/n a bit more. Though as fate had seemed far too against his side that evening, Fred had managed to tip the boat over sending the pair crashing down into the cold harsh waves the lined the dark lake. Embarrassed beyond belief, Fred had apologized numerously, over and over again desperate to make it up to her but Y/n reacted in a way he had never dreamed of. The second she lifted herself from the unwelcoming water a fit of laughter escaped her lips.

“Freddie… t-that was the most fun… I’ve ev-ever had on a date!” She giggled loudly, wringing out her dripped robes on the fluffy grass. In a short tale, there were many more dates to follow.

Fred glance down at Y/n, his gaze softening when taking in her complex stare.

“What’re you thinking about, darling?” The rest of the family were in a world of their own, wrapped up more into their own cherished memories than anything else. Y/n shrugged lightly grinning up at her red headed boyfriend, taking his face between her hands and pressing her lips slowly to his own locking them as one. Shocked, Freed sat still not expecting the sweet embrace then kissing her back the second realization set in. Y/n detached her lips from his own as if a force was working against her.

“Just our first date is all.” She mumbled with a smirk playing on her lips. Fred reached down tugging her hand out from underneath the warmth of the blanket and locked his fingers between hers.

“Oh, I see. The one where I made a totally fool of myself.” Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and nudged his shoulder.

“No you did not! And besides even if you did, I’m glad for it. If you didn’t I probably wouldn’t be here right now with you and your family celebrating a beautiful Christmas… one I’ll never forget, with my favorite people in the world, especially you.” She whispered quietly reached her finger up to trace the vivid lining of his jaw. The couple’s sweet and tender moment was interrupted by a loud holler echoing from the other side of the room. Both Y/n and Fred whipped their head around only to find George Weasley with a smile tattooed on his lips and a glass of Egg Nog lifted up in the air as if he was making a toast.

“Oi, I second that! If my wicked twin hadn’t been such a screw up, sorry brother, then we would’ve never got this lovely addition to the family named Y/n. To Y/n and Fred!” The rest of the Weasley’s followed soon after raising their mugs up in the air as well with happy grins. Y/n’s cheeks burned with a rosy tint to them as she shielded her face into Fred’s jumper. His loud chuckles vibrated though his chest reaching Y/n’s ears causing her to laugh along too.

“Oh stop it, George! The poor girl is going to die of embarrassment!” Molly Weasley shouted swatting at her son who dodged it without effort. Fred shook his head diverting his comforting eyes back down to his girlfriend. A genuine smile reached his lips as he spoke in a silk tone,

“I love you, beautiful. Merry Christmas, it means a lot that you spend the holiday with us… I can’t wait until someday we get to have our own family to celebrate the holidays with but for now or at least until after we graduate and get settled and everything… this will do as long as I get to be with you.”

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