Draco Malfoy

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Draco was intrigued by you. And confused. He was intrigued and confused.

Everyday now, he would see you walk through the corridors of Hogwarts, head down facing the floor. You never used to do that, no. In Second Year, you had your chin held high and laughing amongst your friends. However, in Third Year, those friends were no longer by your side and you became a shell of who you once were.

He figured that something had happened between Second and Third year. He was curious as to why there was this drastic change in behaviour from you, but you and he didn’t have that kind of friendship. You talked, yeah, but not about your personal lives. You mostly just talked about studies.

One day, Draco had noticed you being unusually cut off and barely speaking to anyone, or at all for that matter. He decided enough was enough, he had to talk to you, he needed to talk to you. He couldn’t bear seeing you in such obvious pain, even if no one else could see it.

You walked out of Potions class, eyes down and glued to the floor. You were trudging through the halls when a hand grabbed your arm and pulled you inside somewhere, causing you to squeal.

“What the fuck?” You said, breathless. You squinted to see who had just hauled you into a cupboard to see the platinum blond wizard. Your eyebrows furrowed, expecting to see anyone but Draco in front of you.

“Uh,” You began, “if we’re just going to be standing here in silence, I will be leaving.” You turned to face the door, getting at least an inch before Malfoys hand wrapped his hand around your wrist. This caused to stop and turn back around to face him.

“Why are you doing that?” He asked softly.

“Doing what?” You replied, voice void of any emotion.

“Keeping everyone at arms length.” He stated. You looked up into his grey eyes, confusion etched his features. For a second, he thought he saw you let your guard down, but it was back up again almost straight away.

“I have no idea what you’re going on about.” You saw Draco clench his jaw, obviously running out of patience.

“Yes you do, don’t bullshit me, Y/L/N.” He said, firmly. You widened your eyes at his sudden change in tone.

“Fine, you wanna know why I keep everyone at arms length?” You asked, raising your voice. Draco looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to continue.

“I hurt people, I hurt everyone I love. I say shit that I don’t mean, and it upsets them.” You began widely throwing your arms about, nearly hitting Malfoy a few times. “And it kills me that I’m the reason they’re crying. So I figured if I hurt myself instead and kept everyone away from me, life would be easier for them.”

Draco blinked in surprise, expecting anything but what you just said.
“You—you hurt yourself?”

You couldn’t bring yourself to respond, nodding instead.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, tone softer than before.

“I didn’t think we had that kind of friendship,” You shrugged “and, you know, the keeping everyone at arms length thing.”

After a few seconds of silence, Draco pulled you into a bone crushing hug which elicited a sound that sounded like oof.

At some point during the hug, you started crying. All the emotions of the previous weeks spilling out in the form of liquid. Draco could feel you sobbing beneath, his heart cracking at the sound.

When you pulled away, he took in how you looked; angelic. He honestly didn’t think he had seen anyone that had looked that good after crying.

“You don’t have to worry about hurting me, Y/N.” He said. “I’m not going anywhere.”

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