Draco Malfoy

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she was sitting in the comfiest corner she could find in the library with a book laid across her lap. the unsolved mysteries of the wizarding world by rick hargreeves. it was intriguing enough for her not to notice a peek of blond hair from a nearby bookshelf. 

draco malfoy came to library everyday at precisely five’ o clock and sat on the table precisely three paces away from [Y/N]. unbeknownst to [Y/N] however, were the constant glances draco gave her from time to time. today however, he seemed nervous. his right leg bouncing anxiously and twisting the ring on his index ring ceaselessly, as his eyes kept darting from her to his potion’s essay laid out in front of him. 

of course, this all went by unnoticed by [Y/N] as she settled comfortably in her chart, immersed by the wondrous words on the page. while, she acknowledged the blond-haired boy with a wave and a small smile if they made eye contact across the library- she didn’t have the slightest idea of the harboring crush the poor boy had on her. 

draco, meanwhile, was running through the memories of this morning through his head. 

they were all sitting in the great hall, pansy ranting about some first year to theodore nott while draco tasked himself with the mission to eat his eggs without looking at [Y/N]. he was failing miserably. blaise, noticing this of course, smirked at draco. “what?” draco mumbled through a mouthful of eggs. 

“[Y/N], huh? got to admit she is quite pretty though i’ve got no idea what she’s really like. heard she almost punched mclaggen, so she’s got to be cool enough,” blaise remarked. 

draco, trying to contain his blush, narrowed his eyes at blaise feigning oblivion. “what are you on about, zabini?” 

“i’m talking about you literally drooling over [Y/N] over there.” he pointed at you, and then to draco. “you gonna do something about it or just watch her like some stalker until the end of time, mate?”

“she barely knows i exist, blaise. even if i did do something about it, it’s not like she’d want to go out with me.” draco replied, his words tinged with a bit of sadness. 

“you’re going to tell her you fancy her or else i’m gonna start yelling it right here, right now on the table so the whole great hall can hear.”

draco leaned toward him from across the table, trying to call out his friend’s bluff. “you wouldn’t dare.”

grinning, blaise started scrambling out of his seat and standing up when draco let up, “alright, alright you’ve proved your point! i’ll do it.” he said up to him.

patting him on the back, blaise settled back into his chair. “you’ve got it, mate.”

now, sitting anxiously in his seat draco frankly regretted everything. how was he supposed to do this? how did people just go up to the person they liked and simply asked? it felt like he put his heart through a cheese grater. then, he noticed in the corner of his eye [Y/N] packing up her things as she put the book back on it’s respective shelf.

realizing he was running out of time, draco hurriedly got off his seat and scrambled to [Y/N]. looking up from her papers, [Y/N] looked at him with a smile on her face, “hello draco, did you want something?”

“i- er i wanted to ask you something,” he said, twisting his ring around his finger again. 

“yeah sure, what is it?” she asked him, smiling at him which led to his heart beating even faster, if it was even possible.  

“i- uh what was that book you were reading? it looked interesting.” draco said, trying to buy himself some time to work up his courage.

[Y/N]’s eyes widened and seemed to shine with some kind of exhilarating joy as she launched into what her book was about, her hands waving around to emphasize her point. she looked absolutely gorgeous. draco’s heart stammered at the sight of her. he wouldn’t know what to do if she rejected him. cry, probably. 

“... and that’s why i think the death of ernie evans was a complete hoax. i- sorry i’m rambling too much, i’ll stop now.” said [Y/N] nervously. 

“no! no, i find it really interesting i- uh just had one more thing to ask you,” he said. here goes nothing, “wouldyouwanttogooutwithmesometime?” 

[Y/N] blinked. “what?”

draco gulped. he really he wasn’t embarrassing himself too much right now. “do you want to go out with me? like on a date?”

[Y/N]’s eyes widened in surprise. out of all the things she expected him to say, this wasn’t one of them. she tried to smother her grin as she looked at him, her eyes sparkling. “yeah! yeah i would really like that draco.” she said shyly to him. 

draco felt as if he were on top of the world. she said yes. he couldn’t believe it. the most gorgeous girl in hogwarts had just agreed to go out with him. “okay, alright, that’s great. i- um thank you- i mean, i-” he fumbled with his words, trying to figure out the right words to say. 

[Y/N] giggled at him, leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek. gathering her paper she shoved them into her bag as she went off towards the library doors. she turned around to smile at draco one last time. “see you friday, draco.”

draco could’ve fainted right then and there. thank goodness for libraries. he was even sort of thankful for blaise and his stupid dare.

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