Draco Malfoy

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It had started almost five months ago from now- every few days you would receive a small flower or plant along with a small scrawled out note. some you’d find tucked in between some books (leaving them a wee bit flattened), in your bag, and sometimes even in your dorm room! it only took a few days for you to start conspiring just who this mysterious gardener was. maybe it was neville longbottom? he liked plants, right? but, no it couldn’t possibly be him, he didn’t appear to have any interest in her, nor did he seem like the type to leave such thought out notes with such seemingly vigor. 

you were mulling over who this mysterious sender could be, on your way to your nest class when you accidentally crashed into someone. “oof!” 

you looked up to see a head of platinum blonde hair looking back at you. draco malfoy. “watch where you’re going, [y/n].” he snarked, though he didn’t seem to say it with as much malice as he usually did. 

you nodded in acknowledgement and rushed off to your next class- transfiguration. it was one of the only classes you had with your good friend, hermione. while you were friends with a majority of the people in your year, no matter what house, hermione was the only one you would consider your best friend. she just understood you. 

she smiled at you as you sat next to her in your seat and started pulling out some parchment and ink to start on the notes professor mcgonagall had written out across the board. you were in the middle of a little day dream of where you finally uncovered the mystery person- they were absolutely beautiful and then suddenly they asked you out on a date and then-
psst, [y/n]!

you snapped out of your daydream and glanced to your side to see hermione nudging a piece of paper towards you. you looked down and grabbed it ‘still thinking about the plant person?’ was written across the piece of paper. you quickly grabbed your quill and wrote back ‘i thought we decided to name him kevin, for recreational purposes.’ 

hermione glanced down at the paper and bit her lip, seemingly to smother down her laugh. she quickly grabbed her quill and wrote down quickly, ‘of course, did kevin reveal his identity yet?’ she passed it to you and just as you were about to write a response back, “ms. [l/n] can you tell me the answer?” professor mcgonagall inquired, peering through her spectacles at you. 

“i- uh, well it’s,” you stammered trying to figure out an answer quickly enough so as to not embarrass yourself. you looked at your notes frantically when you looked over at hermione’s paper to see discreetly pointing at something on her notes. you looked back up at the professor who was looking at you with an unimpressed expression on her face. “uhm, you would use the draconifors spell miss,” you said with a smile across your face. 

“yes,” mcgonagall said, peering over her glasses at you, “maybe next time refrain from looking at ms. granger’s notes and figuring the answer yourself, hm?” she said, unsatisfied. you flushed at her remark and nodded, slinking down into your seat trying to deflect the embarrassment you felt. 

later that day you were walking down a corridor with hermione on your way to lunch in the great hall. “i just don’t get why he has to be so oblivious he- [y/n]?” hermione was currently ranting about ron and whatever new mishap had occurred. 


“were you listening?”

“yeah, yeah ron being an idiot and having the emotional range of silverware yada, yada.” you remarked at her, grinning. you were well aware of the harboring feelings she had for the red-head. “d’you think he’s going to ask you to the yule ball?” you asked.

hermione frowned, clutching her books close to her, “i doubt it, i don’t think he even realizes i’m a girl,” she said. you patted her back in consolation, knowing she wanted ron to ask her to the ball. 

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