George Weasley

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You sat in the destroyed great hall surrounded by devastated family and friends mourning the dead all around us. You at the moment we’re in the arms of your best friend George Weasley. You both had experienced tragedy that day. George way more than you but god knows you still hurt. George had lost his twin brother Fred and he was absolutely broken inside, You had lost your (other) best friend Lavender Brown. You and George were just sitting there in silence unable to cry anymore, you looked up at him the pain in his eyes looked unbearable. You just looked at him for awhile not sure of what to say, or to say anything at all. Finally he looked at you and smiled just a little bit.

“Y/n I’m so glad you’re alive,” he whispered as he hugged you tightly.

“I’m glad you’re alive too Georgie,” you hugged him back as tightly as you could.

“Y/n, can I tell you something that I should have told you along time ago?” He asked.

“Of course,” you replied slightly nervous. He took a deep breath and looked at you with his deep brown eyes.

“Y/n I…. I love you,”

“W-what,” you asked shocked.

“I love you and I have since I met you on the train first year. I may have lost everything today but I still have you and that’s one of the only reasons I’m not dead right now,” George had the slightest of smiles on his face.

“George I love you too, I always have but I was afraid of you rejecting me,” you hugged George somehow slightly happy despite everything.

“I could never reject you,” George said holding you in his arms.

(Time skip 15 years later)

“Come along Fredie we don’t want to miss the train,” you called your son as you and your husband George walked up to the barrier.

“All you have to do it run straight at the barrier, we’ll be right behind you,” George reassured Fred and you gave them both a warm smile. You and George watched as Fred ran through the barrier and you looked up at him and smiled.

“Ready?” You asked grinning.

“Always.“  You two joined hands and ran onto platform 9 ¾. You met your son and took him to the train to got him settled. Once everything was taken care of you joined Fred for the goodbye.

"Make sure to write us every week okay,” you had said that about 30 times today.

“Yes mom I will,” Fred smiled at you.

“Just remember no matter what house you’re in we’ll be proud of you,” George reminded him.

“I know dad,” Fred chuckled.

“I love you baby, give mommy a hug,” you were tearing up as you hugged your son. George quickly joined in. It was the group hug scene in every movie. The bell that signaled that it was time to board rung. The group hug broke up and you kissed Fred on the cheek.

“Muuummmm come on” Fred groaned wiping the lipstick off of his face.

“You better get going buddy” George said as he handed Fred a couple galleons for the ride.

“Bye hun, we’ll miss you!” You yelled as Fred got on the train. But before he did he turned around and yelled.

“BYE MUM BYE DAD!” Fred yelled waving. You and George waved back and watched as the train left. Once the train was gone you turned to look at George.

“I love you,” you said as you put your arms around George’s neck. George put his arms around your waist and smiled.

“I love you too babe,"  George leaned down and kissed. As you kissed George’s hands wandered down and squeezed your butt. You broke kiss immediately.

"George!” You shouted.

“What?!” George responded defensively.

“Don’t grab my butt!”

“Y/n! We’ve been married 15 years, we have a child together I can’t grab your ass?” George made a decent argument.

“Nope, not in public,” you crossed your arms acting angry.

“Well you’re just going to have to deal with it,” George replied as he almost threw you over his shoulder and slapped your ass.

“GEORGE WEASLEY PUT ME DOWN!” You yelled at the other parents (that were still there) stared at you two.

“Nope, you’re going to sit like this all the way home,” you could feel George smirk.

“Sometimes Weasley, I come this close to smacking you,” you gestured with your fingers just how close you were.

“Oh sure,” George said laughing as you make your way towards the barrier.

(One last time skip to the next weekend)

“George! Come here!” You yelled. You had just received a letter from Fred.

“Good lord woman what?” George was still half asleep.

“Fred sent us a letter,” you replied to excited to deal with his grumpy-ness. You opened the letter and it read:

Dear mum and dad,
Good news I’m in Gryffindor! I’m very excited and I’ve already made many friends. Oh by the way Teddy Lupin says hello and he wishes you both well. I miss you guys but I’m having a lot of fun. Everything has been going quite well and there’s not much to report, hopefully something interesting happens soon. Well I think that’s it… No wait I almost forgot the Gryffindor ghost has the same as me! He looks a lot like you dad but younger. Do you think you guys were related at some point? Maybe distant cousins. Anyways he told me to tell you “mischief managed” not sure what that was about. Anyway write me back, love you both!
                                         Love Fred,

You looked at George he had tears in his eyes and so did you. You hugged him as if your life depended on it.

“He really is still with us,” George muttered.

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