Draco Malfoy & Fred Weasley × reader

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“Are you going to the Quidditch game tonight?” Fred asks, leaning over to you when McGonagall isn’t looking. 
“Wouldn’t miss it. You better take ‘em down.” 
“I’ll send a bludger Malfoy’s way just for you,” he smiles. 
You smile back. “Good.”

When the aforementioned bludger slammed into Malfoy, you cheered. Fred met eyes with you for a moment before being knocked by a bludger himself. “Yikes,” you murmured. 

He was fine, of course. After the obvious win, you all returned to the Gryffindor common area, a feeling of victory heavy in the air. The night slowly calmed and you retired to a love seat in the corner, finishing the last bit of your potions homework. When the right side of the couch declined, you look up to see Oliver. “Good game,” you smile.
“It was a tough one but I think everyone pulled out the stops tonight,” he laughed. He paused, “do you want something to drink?”
“I mean, if you’re offering,” you shrugged with a grin. He returned a moment later with two Butterbeers. 
“Thank you very much,” you say before taking a swig. 
“You’re very welcome,” he replied. The two of you talked for a few minutes before he was called in by his other teammates. 

The next day was far less exciting. You had potions with the Slytherins which was always more scarring than exciting. Harry sat beside you today, abandoning his usual seat next to Ron. Today’s potion was particularly difficult and when Harry’s exploded you heard laughs behind you. You scowled at Draco and his partner, who were both throwing insults at the boy beside you. “That’s really unnecessary,” you respond before Harry wraps an arm around you, pulling your attention away from the two boys. 

The laughing immediately stopped, the room now filled with an awkward silence. You were more than relieved to leave when class was finally over. When you left, you met eyes with Draco whose expression changed only slightly before Harry pulled you away. “If you want to come to practice with me I’ll give you some flying lessons when we’re done,” Harry offered once you had gained some distance from the potions classroom. 
“Hmm, that is a good offer,” you considered. 
“Is that a yes?” he asked, gently knocking into you. 
“Yes,” you said with a laugh and a return shove. 

Practice didn’t last long. Apparently both Gryffindor and Slytherin were booked for the field. Instead of alternating, the teams decided to practice together. This, of course, led to a fight between Harry and Draco, and thus both teams. Eventually it became out of control and one of the Slytherins got knocked straight into the bleachers you were sitting on, knocking you off balance and down several rows. “Ow,” you groaned, holding onto your ribs.
“Alright, that’s enough!” Oliver yelled, trying to break up the fight. 
Fred flew to you, extending a hand for you to get on his broom in front of him. “Come on, I’ve got you.” You leaned back against him, your ribs still throbbing in pain. Fred wrapped both arms around your side, holding onto the broom in front of you. You felt safe riding with him.

Fred took you to the infirmary, carrying you once you reached to ground. He stayed by your side as Madam Pompfrey cast enchantment after enchantment, slowly healing your wounds. Every so often you got the strength to look up at him. He would smile and mouth, “you’re doing great.” When she was done, you felt an urge for sleep wash over you. “Thank you,” you murmured before your eyes fluttered shut. 

When you woke up, Fred was gone and Draco was in the bed beside of you with a bloodied nose. “What happened?” you asked, slowly pushing yourself into a sitting position. 
“It’s honestly none of your business,” he says, a tone of annoyance in his voice. 
“Wow, you’re a jerk even when wounded. It’s nice that you’re consistent.”
“I’m sorry, I’m just hurting. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

An apology from Draco Malfoy. You were about to comment about how absurd it was when Madam Pompfrey approached Draco, now casting healing spells on him. It only took three before he was ready to go. She then looked you over and released you as well. 
“I’ll walk you back,” Draco suggested. 

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