Dating Fred Weasley Would Inculde

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● or he’ll just be straight up and tell you how good you look

● he sends you notes in class with funny little poems or drawings

● you've always had a small crush on him but were a bit shy to take it further

● lets be honest he's serious like 20% of the time, so when he starts taking an interest in you, you automatically think its just another one of his pranks

● winks at you during meals in the hall

● wolf whistles when you walk down the corridor

● he even tells george to never have you on the receiving end of their pranks

● your friends tease you about it but you insist to them its all just a part of a joke

● george overhears this though and goes back to his brother and tells him

● so the next morning at breakfast he gets up on the table and declares to everyone that he has feelings for you

● throws in some comments about how gorgeous you are

● his little speech makes you believe him a bit more and you agree to go out with him

● you guys quickly become one of the cutest couples

● he’s always, always flirting with you

● lots of cheesy pickup lines

● “hey y/n! tie your laces will you, i don’t want you falling for anyone else.”

● “you spend so much time in my mind I should charge you rent.”

● loves making you blush

● will talk about you to anyone, even teachers

● bonus points if you're nearby bc this just makes him talk even louder just to see you get embarrassed

● will talk about you to anyone, even teachers

● “sorry professor, i couldn't do my homework as i've been busy with my beautiful girlfriend. you might know her she's over there.”

● he just lights up whenever you're around

● will kiss anything your insecure about (if there is anything)

● he just thinks your the most gorgeous person ever

● 100% blows raspberries on your stomach

● being the only one to see a softer more serious side of him

● helping him and george with their pranks, then with their products for the shop

● he always finds a way to talk teachers out of giving you detention if you get caught, even if he has to do double

● compliments you 24/7

● melts when you play with his hair

● trys to “help you study” which really just leads to making out

● loves and i mean really loves pda

● you both have bets on who you can make the most uncomfortable with it. its normally hermione.

● tells you how much he loves you constantly

● “do you have any idea how in love with you i am y/n?”

● he’s really protective of you

● lots of play fighting

● he “lets” you win

● once he accidentally punched you in the nose during one and he wouldn't stop apologising for almost a month

● “I'm so, so sorry darling. hit me back, go on do it.” “no fred, it was an accident stop apologising.” “c’mon don't be a wimp, hit me.”

● he gets jealous quite easily. he's been in a few fights over you.

● he's very affectionate

● which you love

● people are sometimes even afraid to look at you the wrong way bc they're scared of getting pranked.

● is the best at making you feel better if you're down.

● sneaking into each others dorms at night

● gets really turned on when he sees you in his clothes

● once you learn this you use it to your advantage

● if you don't know how to play quidditch he’ll teach you

● never needing to find a seat as you always just sit in his lap

● having the best pet names for you- love, darling, sweetheart, angel etc

● also really silly ones though like pooh bear or snickerdoodle

● molly invites you to the burrow every holiday bc fred is a lot calmer when you're around but mostly its just cause she loves you

● forehead kisses

● if you're small he’ll make fun of your height a lot

● “what's the weather like down there love?”

● “y/n i think you might've peaked in second year, just like your height.”

● but god help them if someone else does it

● loves whispering his dirty thoughts in your ear in public

● “you have no idea how much i want to bend you over this table sweetheart.”

● surprises you with romantic dates all the time

● just makes you feel so special and loved

● gives you piggy backs all the time

● just makes you feel so special and loved

● skipping classes to spend some quality time together in the hidden passages ;)

● he's the biggest tease

● loves to run his hand up and down your thigh during class and just as you think he's going to actually do something he’ll pull away.

● he loves to see you all needy for him

● he loves to see you all needy for him

● in the bedroom he can either be really gentle

● or really rough

● loves giving you hickies, will love it if you give him some too

● feel like he can be quite kinky at times tbh

● you always go to his quidditch games and he’ll give you his scarf to wear

● he always comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you

● has the best morning voice

● is really clingy when he's sleepy

● is really clingy when he's bored

● is really clingy when he's sleepy

● is clingy in general

● you guys probably break up when he tells you that he’s leaving, not bc you don't believe in him but you just don't get how your relationship will work like you will barely ever see each other

● this breaks his heart

● and yours too

● once the battle of hogwarts is over, you find him in the hall (not dead, that didn't happen) and you both don't even say anything, you run to him and press your lips to his

● growing old together and just loving each other so so much.

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