How they ask you to the yule ball

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Harry Potter: Harry sort of asked you rather spontaneously

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Harry Potter: Harry sort of asked you rather spontaneously. The two of you were walking around the quidditch pitch, complaining about how neither of you had a date to the ball when Harry suddenly blurted out how he’d like to go with you. Relieved because you were hoping he’d ask you, you said yes without hesitation.

Ron Weasley: Ron had been so close to getting Harry to ask you to be his date for him, the only reason he hadn’t was because Hermione advised him against it

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Ron Weasley: Ron had been so close to getting Harry to ask you to be his date for him, the only reason he hadn’t was because Hermione advised him against it. Instead he spproached you in the great hall during dinner one day and popped the question. When you told him yes Ron wouldn’t stop bragging about it for the rest of the night.

Hermione Granger: Hermione has been waiting for you to ask her to the ball

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Hermione Granger: Hermione has been waiting for you to ask her to the ball. When you never did she eventually became incredibly frustrated and snapped at you for it while you were studying. As you stared at her in surprise at the fact that she had wanted you to take her to the ball, Hermione sighed at your dumbfounded expression. “Fine I’ll ask you. [Y/N] will you go to the ball with me?”

Ginny Weasley: you and Ginny were walking to class together when she suddenly turned to you and asked you to the ball

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Ginny Weasley: you and Ginny were walking to class together when she suddenly turned to you and asked you to the ball. Not only did her question shock you but so did her confidence. So much so that you nearly dropped all your books. Nevertheless you did eventually say yes, earning a huge grin from Ginny

Neville Longbottom: Neville asked your to the ball by sending you a plant with a little note attached to it

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Neville Longbottom: Neville asked your to the ball by sending you a plant with a little note attached to it. He was far too nervous to ask you to be his date in person so he wrote it on the before mention slip of paper instead. The gesture was so sweet and adorable you couldn’t say no.

Luna Lovegood: Luna asked you to be her date to the ball one morning during breakfast

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Luna Lovegood: Luna asked you to be her date to the ball one morning during breakfast. The question made you nearly choke on your cereal, mostly because Luna asked you so casually. Once you regained your composure you managed to tell her yes through coughs, which earns a smile from Luna. “Fantastic! I can’t wait”

Draco Malfoy: Draco asked you by sending you a note in class

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Draco Malfoy: Draco asked you by sending you a note in class. He’d have this cocky little smirk on his face as if he already knew that you’d say yes but on the inside Draco was terrified you’d reject him. How grateful he was when you sent the note back to him telling him yes, you would be his date.

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