George Weasley

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"Come on (Y/N), it's a party!  Loosen up a bit." Katie grins at you, nudging you a little in the shoulder.  "Besides, it's a new year.  Time to try new things."

You shake your head and roll your eyes a little.  "Please.  Spending seven minutes in a cramped closet is not how I'd like to waste my precious time, thank you very much."  You yawn a bit and stretch out your arms.  "Want anything to drink?  I was going to grab some pumpkin juice."

Katie nods.  "Sure.  Grab me a cup of that too."  She looks at you with a straight face.  "You're going to have to give me something of yours.  That way I'll know you'll come back."

You look at her with an exasperated stare.  "Really?  I'm a Hufflepuff, I'm the most loyal person you'll come about!" You sigh and unclasp the stone necklace that hangs around your neck.  You drop it into her palm. "Be careful with it."

Katie shrugs and returns to chat to one of the twins that sits next to her.  From this angle you can't tell who it is.  You walk over to where the food and refreshments are, and pour yourself two glasses of pumpkin juice.        


You hear your name being called and you look up, quite startled.  It's George.  

"You going to put something in the bag?  We're getting ready to play."

"No." You smile.  "It's not my thing."

George almost looks a little disappointed.  "Pity."

You shake your head and look at him with a teasing expression.  "Oh no, not you too?" You scoff.  "It's a stupid game, I don't quite see the whole hype about a make-out session in a stinky closet."

George only smirks at you.  "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were," he pauses in to lean closer to you for dramatic effect, "jealous."

Your eyes widen.  "Jealous?"  A laugh escapes your lips and you smile at George.  "Why's that?"

He only shrugs.  "I wouldn't know."

You rock on your heels and grab onto both drinks.  "Well, as fascinating as this conversation is, I've got to get going back to Katie." You look back down at the pumpkin juice.  "I told her I'd bring her back something to drink."

George grins.  "You Hufflepuffs are too kind for your own good."

You nod and return a matching grin.  "Hufflepuffs are the best."


You turn around once more, one of your eyebrows arched questioningly.  "Yes?"

George sneaks a frantic glance at something or someone behind you, but he soon retains his normal countenance.  "Can you help me with something?"

You look at the two drinks in your hand, and then turn around to look back at Katie.  "Well I really have to go -"

George takes the drinks out of your hands and sets them on the table.  "You know, Katie doesn't much like pumpkin juice anyway."  He grabs a hold of your hand and drags you towards the different areas of the Gryffindor Common Room.

Your eyes widen at the unexpected contact and you smile a little to yourself.  George's hand is warm, a nice sort of warm.  You tell yourself to enjoy this moment, as it's hard to spend time with him considering the two of you are in different houses.  You shake your head and continue following the tall ginger twin.

You both finally stop.  You look at George with a bewildered expression.  "What?"

George sits down on a couch and you take a seat next to him, still unsure to what this is all about.  

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