Ron Weasley

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Tw: starving yourself and anorexia

After Charms class I had lunch but as usual I skipped and went to the library to complete the homework I had collected from my morning classes. I sat at a table, finishing up papers for Transfiguration class. I heard footsteps next to me, I looked up expecting to see Madame Pince. Instead I saw Draco Malfoy.

“May I help you?” I asked cautiously, he looked at me as if he were solving a puzzle.

“Why don’t you go to meals?” He was very direct

“I’m not hungry.. I usually just snack” I answered a bit unsure, not really knowing what to tell him. 

“I know that’s not true, I’ve probably seen you at 3 meals this entire year and you didn’t eat anything. I’ve also never seen you ‘snacking’ other than tiny amounts. There is no way you aren’t hungry.” He seemed like he had been studying me, watching my every movement and it kinda scared me. 

“So what? You don’t know me, and I’m sure you don’t care” I replied

“I do care, just because we’re not friends doesn’t mean I want you to die! You’re boyfriend, Weasley doesn’t notice? how pathetic.” He scowled, I sighed.. I hate to admit it but Malfoy’s right. “I want to see you at dinner” He said quietly and walked away. 

“Did i just see, Malfoy talking to you?” Hermione approached, I sighed and nodded 

“He had questions about the homework” She nodded and preceded to sit and start on her homework as well. 

I was in Potions class which was just before dinner. I couldn’t help but think about what Malfoy said. None of my friends have noticed or asked me to come to meals. Not even my boyfriend, Ron. I decided I’d go to dinner, but I don’t think I’ll eat. 

When I got to the dining hall I immediately sat next to, Ron and he smiled and gave me a kiss. 

“You’re here!” He smiled happily, and I gave him a weak smile. I looked up to see Malfoy giving me an encouraging smile and nod. I gave him the same weak smile I gave Ron. I grabbed an apple and took a bite, chewing slowly, I tried to swallow the apple but I couldn’t seem to do it. I spit it into my napkin and just drank a glass of pumpkin juice as always. That’s basically what I’ve been living on. “You’re not eating, love?” Ron asked sweetly 

“No... Not hungry.” I shook my head and decided to go to the library instead, this was a bad idea. “I’m gonna go to the library, I’ve got a lot of work” 

“Alright, see ya later!” He smiled, continuing to stuff his face. I walked so fast out of the dining hall I might as well have been running. As I was leaving I saw Malfoy give me a sad smile. I went to my dormitory and stared at my body, pinching all the fat on my stomach, then my arms, then my thighs. I decided to go for a walk around the castle, when I heard someone whisper shouting. I carefully leaned forward trying to see who it was. I saw Malfoy talking to Ron. 

“Don’t you bloody see what’s happening? You’re girlfriend, hasn’t been eating! Am I the only one that noticed? She’s lost so much weight! She’s tiny. You haven’t said anything and I think she needs you to!” He shook his head “You don’t deserve her, I could treat her so much better! But for some idiotic reason, she loves you. So you need to treat her better before she realizes she could do better” He spat 

I started to feel dizzy, and nauseous. I decided I should go lay down, I took one step before I fell and that’s all I remember. 

Ron’s POV

I heard a loud thump and both Malfoy and I looked over and saw (Y/N). It looks as though she fainted, we both rushed to her. He looked at me with so much hatred. 

“Take her to Madame Pomfrey’s.” He seethed and trudged away. I picked her up bridle style and bloody hell, she was light. I ran her to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey told me I could stay with her. While she made up a potion for her. She came back about 30 minutes later. 

“She’s highly underweight and malnourished. It seems we’ll have to keep her here until she gains a bit of weight. She won’t have any strength to even walk for at least a few days. That is if she complies completely.” She then gave her a feeding tube. “Now you must go. It’s late and you mustn’t roam late.” With that she shooed me out. I held her hand once more and gave her a kiss on the head. 

“I’m sorry, love, I should’ve noticed. I love you” I whispered gently into her ear, I walked away with a sigh.

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