Cedric Diggory

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He turned at the sound of her voice, his soft grey eyes meeting hers. the corners of his lips quirked upwards at the sight of her, bits of snows laid in her hair as she waved at him. Once he was near enough, she barrelled towards him and enveloped him in a hug, "congratulations on your win, ced."

at her touch, cedric could feel his heartbeat rising as he wrapped his arms around [y/n]'s waist. "thanks, love." he muttered. he felt her shudder into his embrace and leaned back with his hands placed lightly on her shoulders. "are you cold?" he asked, concern lighting her features.

biting her lip, she nodded at him and with that he held a finger at her. "hold on just one minute, i'll be right back, alright?" and with that he ventured inside the changing rooms. a few minutes and a small conversation with harry potter later cedric came out of the room in freshly changed clothes and a bright yellow sweater folded in his hands. "here," he said softly as he put it into your hands.

you smiled at him and pulled on the sweater over your head and took his hand as both of you ventured your way up to the castle. "thank you."


the next day was sunday, you had woken up a bit late so you put on whatever you found comfortable and made your way to the great hall. you automatically looked around for cedric, to find him sitting with his friends laughing, mirth sparkling in his eyes. at the sight of him, it felt as if your insides were warming internally from the castle's cold walls. you smiled and sat in your seat and started piling some food onto your plate.

"[y/n]," you heard cedric call your name. you look up to see him standing, with his thumbs twiddling, a nervous tic of his. "you're wearing my sweater." you looked down and sheepishly smiled at him as you fiddled with the hem of the clothing.

"sorry about that, i'll give it back to-" you started.

"no-no! you can keep it, it looks cuter on you anyways." both of you flushed at that statement. "but, um i was wondering if i could talk to you for a minute?" he scratched the back of his head while he asked you.

you sighed, and nodded at him, your heartbeat rising wondering what he could possibly want to talk about to her. cedric grabbed your hand and led you to some isolated corridor, near a window which spilled a little bit of sunlight onto a cobblestone wall. "what is it, cedric?" you asked softly, fiddling with the long sleeves of the sweater as they went over your fingers.

"right, well, i just wanted to tell you that i- uh," cedric stammered, his fingers still fidgeting around. he avoided yours eyes as you placed a hand on his cheek, your thumb stroking his cheekbone. "what's wrong cedric?" you questioned.

"i like you. like really like you." he blurted out, his cheeks slowly turning pink at the confession. you crossed your arms at him and feigning perplexion as you tilted your head at him so the small light that spilled from the window laid beautifully on your face. "well ced, i really like you too," you said, a grin threatening to splay on your face.

cedric had his eyes scrunched close, opened them wide at the sound of your words. "you do?" he said, his eyes softening. you nodded at him, "mhm,"

you slid your arms around his neck as he leaned in closer to you. you could feel his breath fanning on your lips and you closed your eyes as your lips met. you leaned into him as he wrapped his arms around your waist. you slid your hands into his dark brown hair. you could feel his smile against your lips as he pulled back from you, needing air. you leaned into him again and pecked his lips once more. "let's go get breakfast, yeah?"

needless to say, you were now thankful for the sweater weather.

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