Dating Cedric Diggory Would Include

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• He’d be such a romantic and a gentleman, totally one for classy dates

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• He’d be such a romantic and a gentleman, totally one for classy dates.

• He’d always bring flowers before any date or get together

• long, tight hugs

• You would always hold hands regardless of the occasion

• Days off would include cuddling and long naps

• forehead kisses

• the ‘the most beautiful person ever’ look even when you're doing something completely mundane

• that signature smile

• The two of you stay awake all night, sometimes even if you were just sitting together in silence. 

• “Please stay.”

• Laying under the stars on cool autumn nights

• Kissing in the rain because Cedric is super cheesy

• He’s always trying to surprise you with little gifts or dates

• Using prefect privileges to your advantage (;

• quick neck kisses 

• “Good morning love”

• Then he would wrap his arm lazily around your waist and kiss your temple

• Sometimes you're both too busy for dates and you do homework in the library together

• He would frequently peck your nose even though you frequently protest

• He really just likes when your face becomes all scrunched up

• Spontaneous adventures

• Slow dancing to no music

• Being over the moon that he was selected for the Triwizard Tournament 

• Passionate kisses before each task because each one could be the last time you ever see each other.

• Sitting with his father while he’s in the maze

• “Be safe.”

• “Of course. I’ll see you in a bit.”


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