Cedric Diggory

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You couldn't even begin to figure out how you had gotten to this point.

You were just waking up, tied up against a statue that stood atop of some grave in a graveyard which seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. You were bloodied and bruised, wounds received during your abduction by Wormtail and the Dark Lord. You thought back to everything that had happened until then.

Your long-time boyfriend, Cedric, decided that he would want to try to become a Champion. Luckily for him, his name was chosen as the official Champion for Hogwarts. You were unbelievably proud of him, and even though you were a Ravenclaw and he was a Hufflepuff, you couldn’t care less. He brought pride to your school and to his House. 

You had been routing for him since his first day as a Champion, and you were there for him to help and offer support whenever he needed it. You and him spent many an afternoon pouring over spellbooks and magical history books, just enjoying each other’s presence. Often, after your in-depth studying/discovery sessions, the two of you wound up cuddling in front of either the Ravenclaw common room fireplace or the Hufflepuff one. The two of you had gotten special permission from your Heads of House to permit this allowance into each other’s Houses.

You had been routing for him since his first day as a Champion, and you were there for him to help and offer support whenever he needed it. You and him spent many an afternoon pouring over spellbooks and magical history books, just enjoying each other’s presence. Often, after your in-depth studying/discovery sessions, the two of you wound up cuddling in front of either the Ravenclaw common room fireplace or the Hufflepuff one. The two of you had gotten special permission from your Heads of House to permit this allowance into each other’s Houses.

“I love you, (Y/N). You know that?” Cedric would often remind you, as though reassuring both you and himself that the feelings between the two of you were still concrete and real. After he said that, you would always press a gentle kiss either to his cheek or to his lips as confirmation, before smiling and replying, “Of course I know that, Ced. You remind me everyday. I love you too, and don’t you forget it.”

During the First Task, you had hugged him tightly and wished him luck, “Just remember to remain calm. You’ll do fine, I know you will. I love you. Good luck.” As a final good luck charm, you had given him a gentle kiss, and then you left to take your place in the stands. As you had predicted, Cedric did amazingly well in the First Task, despite having gotten badly burned. You went to see him in Madame Pomfrey’s tent afterwards and you practically threw yourself into his arms, “See? I told you! I told you! You did it! I’m so proud of you, Ced!”

Then came the Yule Ball. You had worn a beautiful set of golden dress robes that complimented your figure in every possible way. Cedric, along with just about every other boy (including the Slytherins) couldn’t his eyes off of you. You were positively stunning, and Cedric was so proud that he could call you ‘his’. You spent the entire night dancing with him, talking, laughing, even snogging. It was probably the best night of your life.

For the Second Task, you were Cedric’s treasure, lying at the bottom of the Black Lake. Cedric panicked that morning when he couldn’t find you, and when he realized that you were the ‘treasure’ his Golden Egg spoke of, his heart all but stopped beating. He couldn’t believe it, and he had never felt more panicked in his life up until that point. His fear, however, paid off in the end, as he ended up coming back to the surface first from all the Champions. You remembered how you spluttered and coughed water out from your lungs, and how you looked around in a panic. When your sight fell on Cedric, you heaved a sigh of understanding and relief; you were safe. “You’re okay, (Y/N), you’ll be fine. I love you, you’re okay. Just keep swimming, come on, you can do it,” Cedric encouraged and comforted you. You nodded as you began swimming, and soon the two of you got to shore.

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