Chapter 2

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"Do you want to come too?"

The words slip out of my mouth before I could take them back. I watch Leah, her mind racing as she thinks of all the reasons why she should refuse.

It's not like Leah hates parties. On the contrary, she loves them. It's just that she's depressed about Will and would prefer to stay at home, all alone, wallowing in self-pity.

Yeah, I agree, she's a huge drama queen.

"Is it going to be only you two?" She lifts an eyebrow, and I immediately speak up.

"Well, Andy's coming too-"

"Really, Tess? " Leah says exasperated and throws her hands up in the air.

I laugh innocently, as Leah shoots me a look of annoyance.
"I've just been through a breakup. I don't need another guy, especially Andy..." She starts, but I interrupt her.

"I never said anything about him being your date...I know you guys are just friends," I pause as I see Leah flinch.
I speak again, after noticing her reaction, "Seriously Leah, what do you have against Andy?"

I've observed that Leah seems keen to avoid Andy. I know she's my friend and all, but I really hate it when she judges people based on their looks. Especially when it's an innocent geeky guy like Andy.

Leah picks up her now-empty tub of ice cream and avoids my gaze, muttering something like, "I find him creepy..."

I roll my eyes at her as she heads into her room.

I sit on the couch, waiting for her to decide. If Leah had a new outfit, there are higher chances of her agreeing to come to the party.

The thing about Leah was that she'd been homeschooled till college. Her parents were extremely rich, and Leah was presumably the next heir of their company. She'd lived a sheltered life, which made her act like a twelve-year-old I'd had to babysit sometimes.

Don't get me wrong, she's one of the most loyal friends I could ever hope for. In fact, she'd started working at Betty's, the local bakery, just because I worked there too.

She'd try to comfort me even if she didn't understand what I was going through. Especially after my mom's death, ten months ago, Leah had been my only companion.

Leah walks out of the room, carrying two dresses, one black, one beige.
"Which one, Tess?" She asks as I pretend to look shocked.

"You're coming?" I ask her incredulously.

She nods shyly, "Well, I hadn't worn these dresses ever since I'd bought them..."

"That's awesome," I cheer. Convincing her was easier than I'd expected.

"I have one for you too, Tess," She continues, "It's an early birthday gift."

"Thanks a lot, Leah," I say, now really meaning it.

See, this is what I meant by her being the best friend ever.

As I walk into her room, to see the dress, I can't help but wonder what made Leah change her mind so soon.
Maybe, she's finally growing up.

I'll be there in 5 minutes.

I look at Greg's text and call over to Leah. "He's going to be here, so you'd better hurry up!"

Leah nods as she wears her lipstick once again. Thankfully, she'd done my makeup today, and I'd agreed because it distracted her from thinking about Will.
Leah loves makeup and is great at it too.

Meanwhile, I'm no fan of makeup. If I do my own, I end up looking like a clown.

As Leah attempts to lock her apartment, I press for the lift.

The lift dings open after a few seconds, and that's when I see her.

Her teal blue hair is piled on top of her head, her gaze sharp, her walk haughty, her mouth curving into an evil smile upon seeing me.

She walks out of the lift and stops right up at me.
I can smell the weed on her.

Greyes. That's what they call her. Although her real name is Grace Waters.

She sneers at me, obviously sensing my dislike for her. "You believe the rumours too?" she whispers, her voice hoarse.

"You know very well that they aren't rumours", I tell her, irritated by her very presence.

She laughs loudly, "God, you're funnier than your so-called boyfriend!"
Her laughs are so fake, it's like she's taunting me.
Which she is.

"Yeah, once you get to know Tess, she is really funny", Leah says, walking up to us.

She smiles at Greyes, who nods her head at her. I find myself frowning at the exchange.

Leah has no idea of what Greyes has done. Of what she can do.

This isn't good.

"Why are you here anyway?" I narrow my eyes at Greyes.

"Excuse me? I live HERE...", She says, tossing her head back arrogantly. I catch a whiff of the weed, and cough violently.

Greyes just rolls her eyes at me.

I would have questioned her more if Leah hadn't pulled me inside the lift.

"Yeah Tess, she moved in three days ago", Leah clarifies. She presses the buttons inside the lift.

"Bye Greyes", Leah calls out, as the lift door closes.
"Ciao!" Greyes replies, her hoarse voice sounding amused for some reason.

I don't say anything, only huff in annoyance.

I can't help but get a horrible feeling about this whole thing. After all, it's Greyes.

"Calm down", Leah tells me coolly.
I let out a breath I didn't know that I was holding.

"Since when do you talk to her?"
I question Leah, who rolls her eyes.

"Since today? And you were the one talking to her, not me".

I remain silent, unable to find a fitting reply.

However, as I get out of the lift, I see Greg, his infectious grin, his ever tousled brown hair, all my worries about Greyes evaporates.

I find myself blushing as he stared non stop at me until Andy distracted him by saying that we were already late for the party.
Leah giggles at Greg, who for once doesn't have a comeback.

"Are we ready to Partayyy? " Greg yells finally, once we're seated inside his car.

"Yeah!!!" Leah and I shout with glee.

Little did any of us know how much our lives were going to change after this night.


Hey guys, so they're going to the party.

What do you think is going to happen?

Also, what do you think of Greyes?

Please make sure to vote and comment, I really appreciate it.


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