Chapter 5

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"Hi, Leah! I'm Dennis. Can I have the next dance with you?"


"Well Leah, this is my fave song. Can I dance with you instead? I'm Preston, by the way..."

"Actually I..."

"Don't listen to him. Dance with me, Leah..."

The number of guys piling up to dance with me was insane.

When I had meant Game On, Leah, this wasn't what I had in mind.

Maybe I did, but it would have been worth it if Will was watching me.
Or if Adam had asked me to dance.

Shaking my head at my pointless infatuation, I stare at the guys who were looking expectantly at me.
To be honest, I felt trapped.

"I really need to go to the washroom, like right now," I quickly say to no one in particular and move behind. I begin to walk away from the dance floor.

Suddenly, I wanted to desperately escape the party. I'd had enough.

I don't stop walking until I reach the flight of stairs. There's a no entry sign, but I hop over it, desperate to be alone for some time.

I climb up the stairs, higher and higher, that it's almost dizzying. The stairs continue to extend, so much that it feels never-ending.
When I'm about to give up, I see that the stairs end at a door.
Just a plain door.

I twist the knob and find out that the door is unlocked. Carefully opening the door, I find that it leads to a balcony.

A flowering creeper adorns the railings and gives the air a sweet summery scent. Moonlight adds a romantic touch to the place, and the night sky is filled with stars.

Shutting the door behind me, I see the stars more clearly against the inky blue sky.
It's been ages since I've been able to spot stars in the sky, owing to the increasing air pollution.

I bring my gaze back to earth and find a silhouette against the railing.
As my eyes adjust to the dark, I can see more clearly, and realise that another person is standing here against the railing.

He's tall, with spiky light hair and a sharp jawline. He's broad-shouldered, and he's wearing a dark coloured jacket. He has something in his hand, but I can't make out what it is.

He looks strangely familiar...

Realising with a jolt that he could be who I was thinking about, I take a step backwards.
I'd had a lot of alcohol and honestly, at this point, I couldn't trust myself anymore.

Especially with the guy right in front of me.

I decided that if I could slip away quietly, then he wouldn't notice me.
Yeah, I'm too much of a klutz to be left drunk with him.

As I am about to open the door, I hear deep laughter.

"Seriously, I saw you come in, Leah Sanders," He says, his deep voice echoing through the night. "Do you think that you can sneak away without me noticing?"

Crap. I'm not even thinking clearly.

He turns, and I see the grinning face of Adam White.

His blond hair lay messily upon his head, a few strands falling on his forehead. His eyebrows are raised, his nose straight and his eyes shine brightly even in the darkness. His lips are drawn into a grin, and he's still laughing at me.

Which reminds me...

"Okay, you caught me." I raise my hands resignedly, "I was trying to go away..."

"Why?" He asks, still smiling. He pushes the hair off his forehead, but it still falls back to where it had been.

I find myself too busy staring at him to answer the question.

Why though?

Because he was a stranger?
Because I was drunk?
Because I couldn't trust myself?

"Um... I didn't want to disturb you..." I say slowly, while mentally chiding myself.

Really Leah? That's like the most boring reason you can ever give...

"Ohh..." He says. "Well, you didn't. I was hoping someone would come up here and find me."

I bite my lip, unable to find a fitting reply.

His eyes lower to my lips briefly, before flitting back to my eyes again. He clears his throat, probably in an attempt to break the awkwardness.

Adam turns away from me and walks towards the railing. I hear him sigh before he begins to speak again.

"The party's mad, you know? And ever since I did those push-ups, girls have been coming over, trying to flirt with me all the time."

"I didn't come here to..."

"I know you didn't," he says quickly, stressing on 'you'. "I came here just to get away from them. It's so peaceful up here," He ends, gazing around at the balcony fondly.

There's a moment of silence before I answer. "That's why I came here too. I was tired of so many guys hitting me up."

Adam smiles at me. "Yeah, I figured. You're too pretty to be left alone. I mean, you look like a freaking goddess..."


Did Adam just say this to me?

Before I know it, I feel myself hyperventilating. I look away from him, desperate to hide my blush from him.

Noticing my gesture, Adam speaks again.
"Uhh... I mean, I'm not trying to hit you up or anything, I'm just complimenting you..." He tells me, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

Aww, is he embarrassed now?

"I know," I reply, sudden confidence seeping through my voice. "You look too flustered to be hitting on me."

He snaps up his head, to find me grinning at him.

His mouth eases into a smile.

"Anyway, I was stargazing before you came." He says, indicating the telescope in his hand.
"Care to join me?" He asks, catching me by the hand and pulling me slowly towards him.

He looks into the telescope to adjust it, before gently placing it in my hand.

Meanwhile, I just stare at him, taking in his every detail, right from the tiny dimple on his left cheek, to the crinkling of his eyes when he smiled.

His arms circle me, as he places the eyepiece towards my eye.
I think I have forgotten how to breathe.

"There, do you see those three stars? They form the Orion belt..." His breath falls on my neck, causing tingles all over.

I nod to him, as I gaze into the telescope.

Three bright stars.

A flowery balcony.

The perfect guy.

I don't think I would ever want to forget this night.

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