Chapter 17

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It was lunch, and I was waiting for Leah, Greg and Andy in the cafeteria.

I glance down at the chicken sandwich on my plate, and my stomach growls. It had been an exhausting day so far, because of which I was actually looking forward to seeing my friends.

Leah comes over, and I can't help but notice her plate. She has a bowl of salad, along with a big bar of chocolate.

"Aren't you going to gain all your calories back by eating the chocolate?" I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Well, it's for my mental health. Chocolate makes you happy." She says. "Here, I found it on Insta. I've sent it to you," she nods at her phone.

I search my pockets for my phone. However, I don't find it.

Greg sits next to me, eyeing Leah with a smirk. I know he's secretly laughing at her.

"Leah is my lunch healthy too?" He asks a bit too earnestly, showing her the four bowls of salad that he's brought.

Leah peers at it, "Wow Greg, it is so healthy. Although, don't you think four bowls is a little too much?"

"Well, I think one is a little too less," Greg replies, without missing a beat.

Andy joins us, his plate loaded as usual. He smiles at Greg's antics, which is now aimed at Leah's chocolate.

"Can I have your chocolate? You're too healthy to be eating such junk anyway," Greg says, and grabs it from her plate.

"No! Give it back!" Leah protests.

Greg waves it playfully, "Well, you can have one of my salad bowls, since you said four is a bit too much for me ..."

"Do. Not. Take. My. Chocolate!" Leah screams, making the neighbouring tables turn.

Greg tears the wrapper, before taking a huge bite of it. He smirks at Leah, who looks plain murderous.

"NO!!!" Leah yells.

I close my eyes, terrified of the war that was going to unfold.

Thankfully, Andy saves the day by giving Leah his chocolate.
"Here, this is larger than the one you had, and it's tastier," He consoles her like a small child.

Nonetheless, Leah only glares at Greg, who is happily feeding me a bit of the chocolate.
"Eat Tessie. You need this..."

"I thought you called it junk?" I ask Greg, who immediately stops smiling.

"No I mean-", Greg falters, looking alarmed.

"Chill, Greg, I was kidding," I say. Greg relaxes but still eyes me apprehensively.

Like other girls, I sure do have my boyfriend wrapped around my little finger.

Smiling at the thought, I dig through my bag for my phone. I can't find it.

Andy is now talking about the Schrodinger's cat which we had learnt in class today.
Greg listens to him with interest, while Leah is gazing at Adam from afar.

I search again through my bag, in between my books, and in the smaller compartments.
My phone is not there.

"It's awesome how it's dead and alive at the same time. Like how some things can be real and an illusion at the same time", Andy says, his eyes alight with interest.

"How so?" Leah asks, trying not to look too aloof. But it's evident that she doesn't care about the answer because she's stealing glances at Adam again.

"It's like when you're dreaming, you find something so real, but once you wake up, you realise it was all in your head. It's very real, yet very unreal at the same time."
Andy explains to Leah, who looks confused.

"Guys, I can't find my phone," I announce.

The three of them give me clueless looks.
"It's not there in your bag, Tess?" Greg asks, looking concerned.

"No, it's not there," I reply. I pat down the pockets of my jeans. It's not there either.

Leah tries calling my number. But we aren't able to hear my phone ringing.

"Maybe you left it in class," Andy suggests.

I shrug. "Could be. I'll go and check", I reply before getting up.

The three of them nod at me.

I leave the cafeteria, wrapping up my uneaten sandwich and shoving it into my bag.

I climb up the stairs and reach the hall where I'd just had class. It's empty and dark, as the blinds have been drawn. My footsteps echo through the hall.

I see my phone on my desk and sigh in relief.
Keeping it in my pocket, I exit the hall, closing the door behind me.

That's when I hear a loud angry male voice.
A voice that's shouting to someone.
About me.

"If only that Teresa would back off", the voice shouts, then violently swears. "She's the reason why he doesn't want to comply."

I head towards the sound of the angry voice.
I guess he's on the phone.
This guy seems familiar for some reason.

"I know, I know that well. I spoke to him yesterday, he feels guilty only because of her.
That leaving her would break her heart."

Is this guy talking about Greg? I have no clue.

"Yes, I really can't stand it. I'm going to wait for another week, then I'll make them break up if I have to."

Someone is seriously sabotaging on my relationship with Greg. I mean, what did I even ever do to them?

"Yeah, Greg said the same thing too. I know... Call you later, Bye!" The guy says roughly. He sighs after cutting the call.

So it was about me and Greg.

I think that the worst is over.
Then I realise that I'm so wrong.

I hear a loud sound like the person was kicking a locker.
Followed by rough, dry, hopeless sobs.

I really want to leave the place.
But curiosity gets better of me.

I peep through the corridor and I see a guy slumped against a locker. His dark-haired head is bent, and he's crying, not bothering to wipe his tears.

With a sudden jolt of recognition, I realise that I knew this guy all too well.
He was the last person that I had expected to see.

It's none other than Leah's ex-boyfriend, Will.

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