Chapter 34

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When I leave the scene, I can hear Tess yelling at Adam.

"How dare you treat my friend like that! Even after I told you not to!" Tess screams.

"I don't even know her, okay? This is the first time that I'm even seeing her!" Adam replies.
Then he swears about how girls would do anything to get with him.

"Shut your filthy mouth, you -" Tess swears.
"What do you even get by hurting her like that?"

"Look, I don't know who she is, but I would know if I've been with a girl like that... She is hot!" Adam remarks.

"If you're done with creating a scene, can you leave me and Adam alone?" Heather says, sounding bored.

She proceeds to grab Adam's hand and walk away, ignoring Tess's shouts. Tess runs behind them, demanding an explanation.

I realise that people are staring at me.

I wish the earth would swallow me at that very moment, I can't stand the looks people are giving.

I run from the cafeteria, determined to leave the horrible scene.

"No more, Leah." He'd said, his hazel eyes regarded me with kindness.

"Yes?" He'd said today, his blue eyes clouded with confusion.

Then it falls on me, crushes me, chokes me.
My mind is reeling, as I collapse on the floor.

What have I done???

"YES, LEAH." Echoes a voice deep into my head.

"YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE DOING." The voice spits out, accusing me of what I'd done.


I let out a breath, tears following shortly after.

An image of Tess appears, rolling her eyes, as she says, "Well, then he must be imaginary."

I can't handle it anymore.

I feel the world collapsing at the thought of what I'd done.


I understand that I've done a terrible, TERRIBLE thing.

There's only one way to make it up for me.

I have to stop myself from NEVER doing this EVER again.


I'm at the same bar, where I was the day I got temporarily fired from Betty's.
Tess doesn't know that I'm here.

No amount of alcohol can fill the gaping hole in my chest.

I search my pockets for the last few of Greyes's pills.
I find only two.
I swallow them, only to realise that I still feel the same.

They don't help either.

I fumble for my phone and call Greyes, ignoring all of Tess's calls.

Tess can't help me.
Maybe Greyes can.

"Hey!" Greyes answers, "Leah, what-"

"Where's that place where you buy your stuff?" I ask her, my voice sounding hoarser than hers.

"Why? Leah, I'm not -", She starts.

"WHERE IS IT? " I scream.

There's silence on the other end.

"It's 11, Bys Street. But why?" Greyes finally speaks.

11, Bys Street. I can remember that.

"Leah? Where are you? I-" Greyes attempts to probe me for answers.

But she won't get anything out.

"Ha Ha Ha! ", I laugh like a maniac into my phone. "I can't tell you that, Grey-Grey..."

My mind is running so fast that everything is a blur. I'm hurtling through outer space, streaking past stars, into a void of nothingness.

I cut the call, feeling satisfied.

Then I proceed to go to 11, Bys Street so that I can do one last thing for myself.

I can choose how I die.


Greyes gave me the wrong address.

Thinks she's so damn smart.

Obviously, I'm smarter than her, because I found the place.
I looked so DANGEROUS, that the cab driver blurted it out to me.

High Leah is PSYCHE LEAH!

I walk inside, seeing people in dark clothes and multiple piercings. It's a dark place, but stars are hanging from the ceiling.


I reach the counter, peering at a man twice my size. He gives me a strange look.

I'm sure that he's so scared of me, that he's peeing his pants right now.
It would explain the stench that I'm getting.

I give him a sickly sweet smile.

"I want-" I start, but someone calls out my name.

I turn to see a guy who looks just like Andy, but he has no glasses and he has tattoos all over his bare torso.
Wow. He is so hot.

Andy look-alike seems to recognise me.
"Leah, what are you doing here?" He asks, sounding worried.

He's worried about me?

He should worry about how I'm going to kiss him right here in the next five seconds.

"Ha ha ha!" My maniacal laughter returns. He should know that High Leah is PSYCHE LEAH!

"I want to kill myself", I reply, my voice grave.

Then I burst out laughing at the flabbergasted look on his face.

I think he's peed his pants too.

"Sure," Says Andy look-alike, surprisingly smiling at me.

I trot happily behind him as he leads me into a room.

"Do you want to die quickly or die slowly?" He asks.

"Quickly!" I say, trying to kiss him again.
He pulls away from me.

"Painful or Painless?" He questions me again.

"PAINFUL!" I cheer.

After all my evil deeds, I deserve a painful death.
Ha ha ha!

He hands me a drink.

"This is perfect for you, Leah. Happy Death Day!" Andy look-alike says.

"Happy Death Day to me!" I sing.

Then I gulp down the drink.

All around me people are cheering.

The stars from the ceiling rush past me, enveloping me as they carry me into the black void of death.

I fall to the ground, happy to be dying.

This way, I can never hurt innocent Leah Sanders anymore.

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