Chapter 32

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Ben's death left me more depressed than I had expected.

The day after the funeral, Josh, Cedric and I decided to meet up to continue our discussion, about why Ben had actually died.

"Our Granddad, David Sanders found the company about 65 years ago. He named it after himself, David Sanders and Company aka. DSC." Josh narrates.

Cedric writes down notes, and I continue further.

"It was around the same time when James and Edward Yale founded their company, named Yale Brothers and Company or YBC. The companies had a natural rivalry because they were the only businesses that were present to market household products."

Cedric draws a flowchart, connecting DSC and YBC. He nods, and Josh continues the story.

"When our parents took over, initially they were on par with YBC. As the years progressed, DSC performed better that it began to expand into international markets." Josh says, getting excited with every word.

I'd never been able to show this much of enthusiasm to DSC as he does.

"We currently supply in 5 countries, Japan being our latest..."Josh continues to gush over DSC.

Cedric listens to him politely, before I interrupt, "How does Ben come into the picture?"

Josh and Cedric give me a blank look.

"I guess, the Head of YBC got ticked off about the Japanese selecting DSC. He decided to murder Ben, to exert his power over DSC or whatever." Cedric explains, after some time.

It doesn't make sense to me.

But it's the only lead we have, so we better pursue that.

"And our parents made up the story that Ben had suicided, so it covers the fact that he was murdered. I'm pretty sure that they have the police investigating in private, though." Josh concludes.

"Yeah, it makes sense," I reply shortly.
My mind began to race, to finally settle on a single thought.

I was in danger of being murdered, whether I liked it or not.


I'd been so busy in the past few days, that I hadn't even processed Tess's warning against Adam.

Adam had raped my best friend Tess.

It brought chills to my heart, thinking about how much of pain she must've gone through.

It made me realise that I could be wrong about Adam. That he wasn't as wonderful as I'd perceived him to be.

Tears escaped my eyes at the realisation. Did I choose the wrong guy again?

Did Adam not truly love me like I thought he did?

Would I ever find true love?

Why, oh why, was I so unlucky when it came to love?

Why did I always fall for the wrong person every single time, someone who never really loved me back?

Was this my fate?

Would I be alone forever?

I sank to the ground, feeling my room spin around me. My heartbeat got caught in my throat, choking me with despair, longing and everything at once.

I would never find the right guy.

I would-


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