Chapter 23

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"Greg and Will? Woah..." I ask, shocked.
Will was gay too?

"Yep. Greg says that he loved Tess. But it was never romantic." Andy explains.

"I had a feeling Greg was gay, but Will... I had no idea." I think out aloud.

So that's why Will had broken up with me? He was gay, but instead, he had said that our relationship was never going to work out.
Will was a lying jerk after all.

I'm glad that I had broken up with him.

"But, what about Tess?" I ask Andy and feel the dread rising. "Are they going to break up?"

Andy shrugs. "I told Greg to. There's no point of him being with her any longer..."

"Doesn't Greg love Tess?" I interrupt Andy, who gives me a sad smile.

"Yes, Greg loves Tess. As a friend. But it was never romantic."

I gape at him in silence, as Andy turns away. A single tear rolls down my face, and I wipe it away, glad that he didn't notice it.

"This is all too painful. I really hope they both do the right thing." I say when I finally find my voice.

"Yes, I hope so too," Andy answers absentmindedly while staring across the cafeteria.

I follow his line of sight, to see that he was looking at Greyes.

I observe Andy, his gaze soft as he watched Greyes, and I can't help but blurt out, "Do you like Greyes?"

Andy's head snaps towards me, and the look he gives makes me instantly regret my question.

"I'm sorry, I -" I start, but he cuts me off.

"Why would you ask that?" He asks, a harsh undertone to his voice.

"It looked like... Nevermind," I say, feeling his eyes burning into me.

Andy stays silent for a while before answering, "My dad's marrying her mom. That's all." He shrugs nonchalantly.

"Oh," I reply.
Stupid old me making assumptions again.

"Yeah," He nods, now comparatively relaxed.

At that moment Greg returns, looking forlorn.
He slumps into his chair, his head bent and tries to blink the tears away.

"You guys broke up?" Andy asks, sitting up straighter and keenly watching Greg.

Greg nods and tears finally spill out of his eyes.

Oh no. This was bad.

I pick up my water bottle and hand it to Greg, who gulps from the water bottle.

"Greg, it was as expected. Did you expect Tess to stick around when you have no feelings for her?" Andy asks him.

"No. But I thought we could still be friends." He says.

"You're not?" I ask, stunned.

"Nope. She doesn't want anything to do with me. She's determined." Greg says sadly, and I notice the tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Greg, be yourself. Don't let Tess's anger make you regret anything. In the end, all we want is for you to be happy." I say reassuringly.

Greg looks up at me gratefully, "Thanks Leah," he says.

"I think you should go search for Tess," Andy adds, after noticing that I was better at consoling Greg than what he was.

Haha, he's jealous because I'm such an awesome friend.

I get up from my chair anyway. "Yeah, I should. Take care, Greg." I pat his shoulder.

Greg smiles at me.

"I'll try to make her talk to you," I say before I leave.


I didn't find Tess in college. I later heard that she had fainted in the washroom.

Only late in the evening did she pick up my call, saying that she was busy moving her stuff to Penelope's place.

"Penelope?" I ask, "Why not back here?"

"Don't want to be stuck in between you and Adam," Tess says sourly, before cutting the call.

Is that the only reason?

Tess continued to avoid me, not wanting to explain what had happened between her and Greg. She steered clear of the whole topic itself, and it was frustrating me day by day.

How would I be able to help her if she avoided me all the time?

I think Tess is afraid that I would try to talk her into being friends with Greg or something.

Which I really want to do by the way.

I sigh. Tess had done exactly what Greg had feared, she'd blown everything out of proportion, by dramatically breaking up with Greg.

"Leah, don't worry. It will work out in the end." Adam says, his arms wrapping around me.

"I know. But it's bad to see my friends this way," I pout.

We were cuddling on the couch, Adam stroking my hair, my head against his chest.

He visited me almost every evening now and left only when I was fast asleep.

It helps to have such a caring boyfriend. One who predicts my mood by just looking at my face.

"Are you sleepy yet?" Adam asks in his deep voice, resonating in his throat.

"Not quite," I tell him. "Stay here Adam. At least sleep on my couch." I run my fingers on his chest, implying a completely different meaning altogether.

He just laughs at me. "You know I can't, L".

Adam is just making excuses. I know he thinks that if he'd stayed back, we'd end up doing the thing.
We just can't keep our hands off each other.

"I have football practice in the morning. I'd have to wake up early." He spouts yet another reason.

I get up, freeing myself from his embrace.
Smoothing my hair down, I reply, "Fine Adam White. Get lost."

His half-smile is endearing. He pulls me towards him, back on his lap, his eyes focused on my lips.
I sink into another of his wonderful kisses, savouring every bit of it.

I could get used to such luxury any day.

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