Chapter 19

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It's past nine.

Leah had left Betty's a long time ago, saying that she needed to talk to Adam.

Surprisingly, I'm done for the day too. Saturdays at Betty's are both hectic and short. While I'm cleaning my station, Helen suddenly enters the kitchen.

"Tess, can you pack a box of red velvet cupcakes for me?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am," I reply, as I hunt for a cardboard box.
"Is it for a customer?" I add since Helen never took cupcakes home.

Helen pauses, throwing me a sharp look. Then she smiles lightly.
"No, it's for my brother. He likes cupcakes."

I nod to her. "That's nice. I didn't know that you had a brother."

I hand over the cupcakes to her.

"Well, I do. Thanks for this Tess." She replies while walking away.

At the door, she turns around to look at me again, "I would prefer if you didn't tell anyone about this, alright Tess? I don't like it when people know about my personal life."

I stare at Helen. "Of course, ma'am," I reply.

Helen gives me another brief smile before leaving for the day.


For once, I'm glad to leave early, since I've been wanting to have a proper conversation with Greg.

I'd mentally made a list of all that I was going to ask him, and prepared myself for the worst.

However, when I reach the apartment, I see Greg running around frantically, shoving random things into a large bag.

"Hi Greg, are you going somewhere?" I ask, eying the bag curiously.

Greg stops at the sight of me. He looks surprised, but he soon hides it with a smile.

"Tess! Didn't expect you to be back so soon."
He catches me glancing at the bag and immediately closes it.

"Yeah, it's my mom's birthday tomorrow and I totally forgot about it! I need to go to my parents' place, so I'll be leaving now." Greg blabbers hurriedly, while hopping onto his shoes.

"My mom doesn't know yet, because I'm going to surprise her. Did you know that it has been almost four months since she has seen me?" Greg grins at me.

I grin back at him, though I'm still confused about him leaving all of a sudden. "Do you want some cupcakes?"
I offer him the box.

Greg grabs two, and shoves one straight into his mouth, closing his eyes at the sweet taste. "Mmm, it's so good."

He then glances at his watch and feigns worry, "Oh no, Tess, I'm gonna be late!"

Greg reaches the doorway and turns towards me. He gives me a wide grin.

"Bye Tess, love you more than the world!"
He leans over to hug me.

"Bye Greg! Love you too" I answer, stunned at how sweet he was.

With a final nod, Greg leaves happily, while humming a little tune. He seems to be really excited. A bit too excited.

As I close the door, I can't help but think that maybe he's trying to avoid me.


Sunlight streams through the curtains.

I sit on the couch, contemplating his behaviour. I've been thinking about him ever since I left.

I really should have confronted Greg.

About what Will had against me dating Greg.

About what could possibly be going on between Greg and Will.

If Greg had really wanted to break up with me.

I find a small tear slipping out of my eye even as I think about it.

Whatever Will had ranted about that day, he was right about one thing.
That I would be heartbroken if Greg broke up with me.

He wasn't just my boyfriend, he was my best friend too. I'd opened up to him more than anyone else.

I brush my tear away. 'Be strong Tess', I tell myself. I gulp down my coffee.

If he wanted to break up with me, he'd better do it soon, so we both could move on with life.

Yes, that's how I should be facing this situation.

At the same time, I didn't want to throw this topic on him, not when he seemed so happy yesterday.

"Bye Tess, love you more than the world!" He'd said.

Did he really mean it?

My coffee turns cold, while I am lost in my thoughts.

I realised that if I were to find anything, I'd have to ask Andy about it.
I dial his number, hoping that he picks up.

"Hey, Tess! Why did you call me in the middle of the night?" Andy answers sleepily.

If I didn't know who he was, I'd think he was on drugs right now.

His voice has a weird pitch for some reason. Which is probably due to lack of sleep and a lot of studying.
What else would a geek like him do?

"Hi, Andy! Sorry to wake you up. I just wanted to know something about Greg? You know... if he was friends with Will?" I ask, trying not to look like a snooping girlfriend.
Which is exactly what I am.

"What?" He suddenly sounds alert.
"Why would you ask me that?" He switches back to his weird voice, but still cautious.

"I don't know... What had happened to Greg at the party? He looked really sad after that", I ask, making my voice sound sympathetic.

Andy's not easily fooled.
"I left the party early," he replies shortly.

"So you have no idea of what had happened with him?" I ask, tired of pretending to be sweet.

"No... Why don't you ask him about it?" He answers carelessly. "I mean if you care so much."

"I wanted to ask him, but he's at his parents' house," I reply, now annoyed.

"Really? I don't... Oh yeah, now I remember", Andy fumbles for words.
Is Greg not at his parents' place?

I know he's hiding something. I don't know how to get him to answer though.

"Didn't he tell you?" I ask condescendingly, wanting to insinuate him.

"Yeah, he did... Listen, I'll call you later, okay?"
Andy talks rapidly, seemingly not listening to me.

I hear a female giggle right before he cuts the call. How weird.

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