Chapter 1 (Remastered)

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My name is Percy Jackson. I'm an 18-year-old demigod living from manhattan. I'm a son of Poseidon,  the ruler of the seas, the earthshaker and the king of Atlantis. My life is pretty boring. I live a totally normal life aside from occasionally beating up monsters, killing one or two gods or titans and saving the world. I spend my summers at camp half-blood like a normal demigod, riding flying horses and fighting to the death for a flag. Typical demigod life. Life was going great, well, as great as it can be being a demigod. Until he came and messed everything up. 


Living with dad was boring. I've been living with Poseidon ever since I was born. Dad said something about a prophecy and I couldn't leave as he already had another son at this camp or something. After 17 long years, I finally can leave but I have to go do some useless training at that camp my brother is at. How hard could it be?

"Be careful Noah, demigod life is harder than you think. Even your half-brother, Percy has been training since he was 12." Poseidon warned.

"Wow, what a loser. 5 years and still stuck at camp. Meh. I'll be done in a few months, max." I bragged.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Poseidon replied.

"Well bye dad, see ya never!" I said as walked out of the palace.

I looked up and saw nothing but the ocean.

"Uhh which way is it again?" I asked.


I was strolling along the beach with Annabeth, hand in hand. It was a calm and breezy day. Everything was as normal as it could be. The campers were practising in the arena, satyrs were playing their reed pipes in the strawberry fields, Dionysus was drunk yet again, Chiron was taking a jog as usual and Leo hadn't burned the camp to the ground, yet. Everything was peaceful. 

Then this demigod surfaced from the sea. How did I know he was a demigod you ask? Humans don't just appear with Poseidon, you dummy. 

"This is your long lost brother Percy, take care of him. Byeeeee," Poseidon blurted before disappearing into the depths of the ocean.

"Yet again, parenting in its finest," I sighed.

"So you must my insignificant half-brother," Noah smirked.

"Excuse me?" Annabeth questioned.

"Well hello beautiful, you're the first female demigod I've seen. You must be my girlfriend then, it's fate!" Noah charmed.

"Ew gross no! Percy's my boyfriend." Annabeth replied in disgust.

"A challenge then. Finally! A worthy opponent! Our battle will be legendary!" Noah boomed. (Kung Fu Panda, pls don't sue me.)

"In your dreams kid. Follow me, I'll show you around." I said nonchalantly.

I showed him around the camp. I showed him the cabins, the dining pavilion, the canoe lake and the other stuff. I pointed at the woods and said: "Don't ever go in there alone unless you intend to get mauled by some monster." Finally, I showed him the Big House. Chiron was waiting for us there. "I see you have shown Noah around."

"Wait, you knew about me?" Noah asked.

"Yes yes child, Poseidon told me a long time ago," Chiron said half-bored.

"And you never bothered to tell me?" I asked feeling slightly hurt.

"Ehhh, a brother you never knew about is a sensitive topic. I've learnt that ever since Tyson came around." Chiron replied.

"I wonder how many more women Poseidon has-" 

"Anyywaysssss! Back to Noah. I hope you take good care of Noah. I'll show him the presentation video. You can get back to whatever you were doing. Bye!" Chiron said while slamming the door.

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