T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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Kayla's P.O.V

"She should be feeling a bit better in a few days," I heard the nurse mumble to Roni who stood next to my bed."She will need to come back in a week or so  to get her stitches removed but if she is in any pain, she can take advil or any other painkiller. "

"Thank you." Roni softly smiles.

"My pleasure,"

A few hours before

The drive back home was quiet.

Roni didn't dare say a word but it was clear she was worried about me. Every now and then she will turn to
look at me with a dark cloud over her head.

She tried to say something a few times but immediately decided against it.

I simply sat there looking out the window feeling completely and utterly empty like never before.

It was like I had a hole in my chest cavity where my heart used to be.

I was suffering and I did not expect the wound to heal soon.

I had cried almost all the way home until I couldn't.

"We're here, " Roni whispers in a soft tone as I notice we were parked along the curve of my house.

I stared at my house and tried to get up from my seat which almost seemed impossible at one point but as soon as I pushed the door open I found enough strength to get me up and out the car.

Roni quickly got out of her side and made her way towards me almost trying to guide to the door.

"Ron I'm okay," I said to her allowing myself to separate from her for a second.

"Kayla I-" she began to argue but stopped her mid sentence as i opened the door to my house and headed upstairs.

"I'll be back i just need to clean up." I said not turning back to look at her and heading to the bathroom.

Once I got there I locked the door and began washing my hands before splashing my face with some cool water.

I tried ignoring my own reflection knowing how bad I had already assumed I looked. Yet right as I patted my face dry I caught a glimpse at my distraught state.

My eyes barely opened up and my face had lost its color. My nose slightly red from sniffing and my eye bags appeared to be longer than before.

I hated how I looked and I hated myself for feeling this way. It was infuriating to feel nothing and everything at the same time.

I blacked out for a brief second as my thoughts clouded my mind. I was too overwhelmed and too emotionally hurt to even feel the pain that coursed through my hand.

It took me a few minutes to fully realize what I had done.

The reflection in front of me wasn't daunting me anymore. 

Only a few pieces were still stuck on there while the rest landed inside the sink or stuck inside my now injured arm.

Splotches of blood made their way onto the floor as I stood there unable to move yet again.

"Kayla what's going on," I heard Roni mumbled behind the door as she vigorously knocked. "Kayla open the door please,"


I said nothing and I did nothing.

I allowed myself to take a second a single insignificant second to feel something. Anything.

I inspected my arm and as I attempted to take a piece of glass out of it I finally felt something.

It was a light sting followed by an immense pain that made my skin crawl. 

I couldn't ignore the physical pain I was in. I cried out in agony as I could no longer cry actual tears anymore.

"KAYLA OPEN UP NOW!" Roni begged.

I had to let her in. I knew that I just wish I could of handled it differently.  I wish everything was different and I wasn't put in this situation in the first place.

Before I knew it, I tried my best to walk around the glass and unlock the door. Roni rushed in beyond scared as she saw the image in front of her.

"Kayla we need to take you to the hospital your hand," she pointed out and attempted to walk me out. "We'll just put this on top of it so the blood doesn't drop everywhere," she said while she reaches for a cleangand towel near the hallway closet.

I nod along and followed her down the steps to her car as she drove me as fast as she could to the hospital.

The whole car ride there she tried talking to me which didn't go so well as I only mumbled simple yes or no responses.

Once we had gotten to the hospital,  Roni did all the talking and filled out forms she was given as best as she could.

I lost track of what was going on.

I sat there silently whispering please take the pain away. Over and over again hoping my plea would be answered.

Ethan's P.O.V

With tears clouding my eyes, I lunged myself towards Kevin who stood near the stairs watching how it had all unfloded.

I was guided with anger and pain and resentment.

I resented myself. For hurting her and not telling her the truth.

I should of but I didn't and for that I have payed dearly for it.

"Ethan," Grayson grumbled behind me and pulled me off Kevin who had a grin covering his face.

"Hurting me isnt going to help you get her back. Remember this I wasn't the one that hurt her you did." Kevin scoffed before walking over to his kitchen.

I wanted to fight him once more but Grayson always holding me off.

He pulled me away and drove me home.

What the fuck have I done


I wasn't crying writing this 😔

2 more to go :/

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