chapter 28 - alone

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The room was cold. Her skin was bare, dirty bandages wrapped around her face and limbs. Her throat ached with such discomfort. Attempting to clear her throat as she softly heard voices from afar.

"Well, what is it you sense in her...?" A feminine voice of appetite spoke.

"We sense the darkness in her. She possesses another soul within her."

"So, she's quite like you, then? Only with one soul?"

"One soul of an unimaginable origin. You trust this being...?"

"She's served my father as I recall. Plus, I will need all the allies I can get." Footsteps approached closer to the bedrest. "Ah, she's awoken."

Kalliste attempted to open her eyes as the piercing light hitting her was damaging to her vision. Rising her hand over her, blocking the sunlight. A familiar feminine face peered closer to Kalliste, a hand grasping over her wrist, holding her in place.

"Rest well, girl?" Said a familiar voice. As Kal's vision finally came clear, she could see a bare face with a set of sharp teeth and alluring eyes. Kalliste abruptly raised her body in shock, confused and bewildered, glaring at Mileena before her eyes.

"You're probably wondering where you are, you're here in my keep in the Setian Valley." She smirked. "My fellow Tarkatans would've cooked you for dinner if you were not brought to my attention." She stood up and paced around the room.

"Seems that Kotal already did the cooking." She dimly chuckled at her comment but slowly returned to her serious attitude. "Where's Kollector? I thought you two left as Daddy's palace was collapsing."

Kalliste pressed her hands against her head, a sudden wave of nausea hit her.

"...-I..-I do-" Kalliste stopped, her eyes widening like big doll eyes. Kalliste intensely planted her fingers against her neck, constantly clearing her throat.

"Are you perhaps... dehydrated?" Mileena said as she walked over to a small table where a cup of water was handed to Kalliste. Kal immediately took a huge gulp of water. Kalliste coughed harshly as she tried to catch her breath, taking in what she just had realized about herself. After many coughing sessions, she muttered under her breath.

"-Wha-.. aack...- How is it that... I can speak...?" She spoke clearly, her inner voice she had kept inside her mind for all eternity. Kalliste continued to press her fingers against her throat, confused and completely puzzled. Mileena raised her brow in impatience, unamused by the situation.

"What is it? Forgotten your capability to speak?" Mileena said hastily, she scoffed shortly after.

"...No... I.. I am- was mute, but I can really... talk with my real voice!" Kalliste spoke in slightly excitement. Mileena sighed. She turned around impatiently.

"Congratulous, you can talk! Now, answer my question. Where is Kollector? Or is he perhaps...?"

"No. -He...I - We departed. And all I know is that he was being chased by Kotal Kahn's guards." Kalliste said solemnly. Mileena scoffed once more. Kal's voice was rather hoarse as her throat continued to clog up.

"Kotal is not Kahn! I am the rightful heir to the throne and he dares take my father's throne which does not belong to him!" Mileena's fury grows wild as she vents about Kotal. So, she's against Kotal, wants to rule over Outworld, continuing the ascendant of Shao Kahn.

"What is your plan, then... Emperess..?" Kalliste asks. Mileena smirks subtly at her, standing up.

"Well... The Tarkatans fight for me, and as well as the Red Dragon. I have a worthy man on my side." Mileena addresses. Kalliste raises her brow. "Reiko. I trust him, he will assist me in bringing Kotal to his knees before me, then, I will rightfully rule Outworld as did my father."

"Reiko?... Who is he?" Kalliste questioned.

"Reiko was Shao Kahn's general, much like Kotal ... until he took the throne for himself." Mileena clenched her fists. She kept annoying herself by mentioning Kotal, sighing.

"Anyways... perhaps you should rest. You've been heavily burned and I want my allies to be well and ready." Mileena exited out of the room. Kalliste sighed heavily as she peered at the lingering soul that was still present. Kalliste glared her eyes at the hovering figure. Ermac, the being of ten thousand souls.

"What are you looking at...?" Kalliste says bitterly.

"We only observe your soul. It is bound by an unseen force. You underestimate yourself." Kalliste rolled her eyes and laid against the bed. The specter left as Kalliste laid her head against the pillow, a bed with no covers, her brain was heavily induced with dizziness and she still felt her skin burn of heat.

Kalliste could only contemplate about Kollector as she was kept alone. Suddenly she grew insanely concerned for him for some reason, they were split after an unpleasant fight, and worse, she had worried that perhaps Kollector was captured and probably is being executed now! Her mind exploded with fear as she could only leak out harsh tears from her eyes, clenching onto the fabric of the bed - giving herself a rest that she deeply needed.

The night drew close, the violet light let itself in, Kalliste only awoken by its midnight air, a palm to her face as a hit of dizziness overcame her as she raised from the bed. Glaring over a table of water, she hurriedly took a jug of it, gathering her balance, Kalliste made her way to the open door, leading herself down a set of stairs - leading into a corridor. As she explored further in the place she was in, it was quite like a castle, a decent fortress for the empress.

Kalliste tried to make herself calm and slow as her nausea was acting up again. Considering that it was nighttime, not much was going on, Tarkatan warriors dwelled the halls, along with a familiar bunch - the Red Dragon. Kalliste suddenly remembered the encounter she had with this clan. Hopefully, they would not remember her appearance at their fortress, attacking a couple of them.

She could hear a feminine laugh from the distance, Mileena's voice slightly echoed throughout the corridor; seems that she is having quite a time...

Kalliste pondered and pondered as she felt entirely alone in a place of unfamiliars. A passing figure came through, glaring at her slightly unknown presence. A man in purple, his attire set with regal themes.

"You. Who are you? Are you what the Tarkatans brought? I would've assumed that they had already feasted on you." His voice was like he was talking under the water, Kalliste stopped as she tried to gather her scattering mind and weakly faced the man.

"-Empress Mileena saved me... I serve her now..." She was getting used to her vocals as they still appeared to be quite raspy.

"Do you? Or perhaps you're another soul who serves just to survive?"

"I have served Shao Kahn before, If you have not noticed, Kotal burned me, of course, I would like to survive. The only person I can trust is the Empress." He gave a bit of silence and nodded softly.

"Very well then. I am Rain, Son of Argus." He extended out a hand.

"Kalliste." She gave her hand in his, shaking as they introduced themselves. "Where is the Empress?" Kalliste asks.

"...She requires her solitude for the night." He glances at a certain door as subtle moans arise. Kalliste clenched her face in discomfort, clearing her throat as she backs away.

"Fine. —I will talk with her tomorrow morning." Kalliste slightly bowed her head at Rain, excusing herself from their conversation. She quickly passed Mileena's chambers as she continued to explore the unfamiliar fortress. Just the sight of the blue moon gave a sickening sadness to her heart. She could only stare into the abyss of the moonlight, digging into her soul of emptiness. 

Kalliste hated departing from Kollector under terrible circumstances. She would never be able to let go of his soul, despite him being extremely annoying. But she felt an eternal connection with him even when it didn't make sense. Even if love wasn't there, she would at least accept that they could be both intertwined with amity. But if he really has been captured and or perhaps killed, she would try to move on. 


Precious Possession (OC x Kollector) - MK11Where stories live. Discover now