chapter 43 - remarkable affair

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She sat on a tree stump and brooded for an hour alone. Crying and whining was not the option; grow strong and ignore those who trouble you. Kalliste lifted her head and faintly observed the grounds where she spotted the huge tent where Mileena resided, she could see Tanya by her side. She dug onto the soil with her boot and continued to pout.

Scuffling feet occurred behind her, approaching her.

"Why do you brood?" Rain's voice called out to her. His voice was deep, muffled underneath the mask he wore.

Kalliste turned behind to see Rain looking down at her.

She leaned her head against her palm and held a sulking expression.

"It is nothing. I am jus-"

"Perhaps consider training yourself." He interrupted her. She peeked her eyes at him.

Her face was obscured by his sudden suggestion.

"I have seen you nearly defeated by that mercenary, Erron Black. Your performance was inadequate." He commented. Kalliste gave an irritable look at him, uninterested by his critique. Rain glanced at her wounded arm.

"And that injury shows how easily unprotected you can be." He added. Kalliste scoffed.

He cocked his head.

"You show no care for your vulnerabilities? You do not wish to survive?" He continued. He then glared at her.

"If you do not care to even fight for your empress, then why are you here? She doesn't want weak Outworlders." The amount of taunting words entering Kal's mind soon made her boil from the inside. She abruptly stood from her seat, glaring at Rain.

"Enough of your nonsense. I don't want to hear it." She then began to walk away, but Rain continued to follow her side.

"It is not nonsense, I am simply declaring your weaknesses. - Let me train you." He suggested. Kalliste stopped and slowly turned to him.

"Train... me?" She replied, astounded by his offering.

He gave a faint nod.

"Why?" She questioned.

"I am just offering you a chance to get sufficient as I am the son of Argus." Kalliste blankly stared at him for a moment. She sighed. "Fine." Rain nodded in return and began to lead the way where they headed to a more open area of the jungle.

He stood just 6 feet from her, his stance readied as he gazes at Kal.

"Will we use weapons?" She asked.

"After. Right now, we use our bodies."

Rain gestured her to start, his hand cupping in the motion of coming forward. Kalliste hesitated for a moment and began to charge at him with doubt. She took a strike at him but he swatted her arm quite easily and hook his tightening grip onto her, a kick to her ankles which made her collapse onto the ground.

She sighed.

"You did not even try hard enough." Rain said. "Try again."

She stood up. Glaring at him with tired eyes.

Her heart inched into battle, throwing herself over to him with a strike. It kept ongoing. This time she keep steady on her moves, evading Rain's blows.

As he kept his side exposed, Kalliste pushed him down without ease and taking him down onto the ground.

Kollector still resides with himself, digging his hands into the overflowing sack. His mind running numb and hollow. An empty feeling he somewhat did not like lingering inside of him. He scowled to himself, leaving the tent abruptly as he placed his satchel behind his back; carried by his lower set of arms.

His bare feet met with the jungle soil then observed his bare surroundings till he heard grunting just off to the distance.


"May I ask how someone such as yourself learned how to fight?" Rain asked.

Kalliste exhaled.

"...Shang Tsung." She replied with discontent. 

Rain's brow raises, astounded. 

"The sorcerer? What reasons would he have to offer such things?" Rain said. They continued to fight, but talking lead to more harsh breaths taken. 

"...I was young... naive, poor. But he took interest in my... endowments." Kalliste said solemnly. Rain took in the information she poured out, getting to know more of her. He contemplated for a moment and then glanced just off to the distance where he detected Kollector seemingly watching them from afar. He then looked back at Kalliste.

"What is your relationship with that Nakadan?" Rain questioned as his eyes continuously gawk at Kollector. 

"What?" She stood up and turned around to see a now disappearing Kollector from a tent. Then her expression became faint. "-Nothing honestly..." Kalliste replied with quiet anguish. Rain cocked his head at her.

"Are you sure? ---Never mind. It should not be my place." Rain said. He took a moment to catch himself until he spotted Tanya waving him down from the large tent where Mileena was staying. He brushed himself off then faced Kalliste, he extended out his hand out to her. She looked at his masculine hand for a moment and deliberately shook his hand in return.

"It was refreshing to fight with you. Hopefully, in your future battles, you will learn not to be so easily defeated." His words were noble and respecting. A pleasant time with someone different was an interesting experience for Kalliste. She slightly smiled as he walked away towards the large tent. 

There was an aged water pump that Kalliste took interest in, making her way to it as she drank from it. 

She thought she felt someone near her, but no one appeared to be behind her. As she felt fulfilled by her thirst, she decided to enter a tent that had no one occupying it. Consider the large amount of tarkatans dead, she deemed she could remain in an empty one for herself now. 

It felt delightful inside the tent - she made sure that the opening of the tent was properly closed as she felt completely drenched in sweat in her tight clothing. Kalliste began to remove her clothing as the cool air met her uncovered skin. Looking at her bare skin, she noticed that her body was grazed in lots of wounds and cuts, the scorched burns from Kotal somewhat remained.

Apparently, she had a sudden interest in examining her beauty. Where a medium-sized mirror covered with filth; she glared at her eyes. One blue and one dark brown. The side of her left face was still marked with a red gash. Kal dug her hand into her greasy locks, that light platinum hair that kept on growing longer and longer. 

Kalliste never had much interest in her appearance, but sometimes it's nice to check every once in a while. 

She found her hands wander down against her stomach. The unmasked tension between her legs was aching for her touch. Then she gave in for a while. 



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