chapter 32 - little heart

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         Could he hear her voice entering his mind? If she spoke someone might hear. Kalliste felt all kinda emotions; frustration, longing, and confusion.

But she could not linger any longer, she glanced at the lock and tugged at it. Of course, it would not be easy to pull and tug on a metal lock on this cell. Kalliste stood up and clenched her fists hard enough. But something was off, she felt nothing inside her and no longer had that familiar darkness inside her. Kalliste slams the lock, tighten her hands around the bars.

"Kollector. I know you can hear me still... in your head. I'm here." Kallistepounded her hand roughly against the bars to try and get Kollector's attention. She can sense movement in his eyes. Yet he is beyond weak and injured. Kalliste looked everywhere and tried to search for anything suitable to destroy the lock. Yet, if she couldn't break it, she would have to find the key. And the only thing that could possess a key was a guard. Kalliste sighed heavily in annoyance. Soon she had to leave Kollector for a moment, searching for one of the guards that had left just recently.

She remembered when Kollector led her to here, tricking her and making a tease out of her. Through a gate of where the guards left, Kalliste remained in her stealthy ways, peering left and right as she spotted a nearby guard. Only she could see the backside of him as he was facing a long corridor, unknowingly watched by Kal. Kalliste sighed softly as she could not find anything of value. She turned once more behind to check for anything usual, and as well as checking up on Kollector.

The guard was in her way and she had to subdue him or kill him. Kalliste backed away from the gate and decided that she could lure the guard in with some noise. Kalliste roughly kicked the entry, making enough noise and quickly hiding behind a barrel and crates. The entry slowly opened while a man in painted skin charged in. His weapon in front, eyeing Kollector and other creatures still kept in their chambers. Upon a closer view on the frontal area of the guard.

Clinging keys were attached to his waist, and thankfully he had some set of keys. As soon as his backside was facing Kalliste, she hurriedly wrapped her arm around his neck, choking him as he struggled to fight. In one snap, Kalliste cracked his head around. All his limbs fell stiff and hollow.

She hurriedly grabbed onto the set of keys attached to his body. Kalliste eagerly paced her way towards the imprisoned Nakadan. As the door swung open, Kalliste quickly went by Kollector's side. Eager and quick, she began to examine his body, checking on his current state, making sure he was alive.

"Kollector, please. Can you still hear me? I will get you out. Please stand up, we must leave quickly." Kalliste began to lift Kollector with all her strength, he was too heavy despite being so lean.

"...Kalliste..." He said weakly. Kal's eyes dilated by the sound of his voice. She intensely peered closer to him, grabbing his face and meeting him to her direction.

"Listen, you need to stand up. - Please." As her voice came clear to him, he weakly gazed at her. Kalliste still continues to drag him off the ground, pulling him as he kept no effort in standing up.

"...Why have you... come for me...?" He oozed all over. Kalliste roughly dragged him into the open. But his question slightly annoyed Kalliste. She cruelly pushed him against the bars in frustration, forcing him to face her once more.

"...I'm still bitter that you have ran off and left me to be captured. Maybe I should leave you here too..." Kalliste spat.

"...You speak...?" Kollector weakly said. Suddenly, Kalliste thrust her hand around his neck in anguish, an emotion of overwhelming confusion overcame her. Immediate tears stabbed at her eyes, just his unfazed tone was just hurting her in the inside. Before she could do anything, she heard sudden noises from the entry of the palace. Kalliste roughly pulled Kollector's sloppy body out of view and into the shadows. Where the upper part of the koliseum was, was a bit too risky to go through, considering that it was out in the open where many others were present.

As she hid themselves behind a towering cage, she peered quickly at whoever approached. A guard that soon discovered the broken corpse, now alerted and aware of something usual, finally noticing the opened cage of where no prisoner was present. Kalliste glared at Kollector, now questioning her purpose here.

"—I want to know if you truly want to leave. You're ungrateful, and yet I still know that you are, you selfish and inconsiderate ...-shit." Kalliste felt her face heat up from anger and annoyance. Yet, now was not the time to vent. Kollector started becoming agitated and confused. Kalliste felt the need to spout her anger at this moment.

"—Perhaps... you can talk... later." Says Kollector. Kalliste swatted her vision from left to right, no guards were here but soon, more will come. Kalliste had to push her frustration onto him, ensuring herself if he was even worth saving.

"No. -Tell me if I should even help you."

"—-You've to free me..." Kollector softly says. Kalliste finds his answer truly unsatisfying but unfortunately, no more time remained. A loud thud came inside, a group of guards came rushing in. Kalliste shook her head as she began to reveal herself out in the open. A sudden pull of dark energy thrust roughly at the guards, managing to kill some and some were staggered in their steps. Kalliste glanced at Kollector and firmly yanked him out from hiding, dragging him out of the beast pen where Kalliste rapidly-paced out of. Now, Kollector had a bit of strength to follow her, indeed he was profoundly impaired, but he was still enduring on his own.

Upon going on the set of stairs leading out to the koliseum, Kalliste quickly shifted under the warm obscurations, where many workers started to gaze upon. Many and many guards started to notice the freed creature, their concentration laid laboriously upon the dwelling escapees. Kalliste guided the a couple of Kotal's embassies blocked the way to her traveling companions and yet she was wondering where any of the more closer advisors would be. Did not matter anymore, she was close to escaping, somewhat worrying whether or not Kollector was still able to catch up.

Finally, Kalliste assisted Kollector around the creature's back, and quickly they rode off into the forests, back to Mileena's fortress in the valley.

The sky still remained bright and warm. Kalliste felt like she was in a rush, but upon arriving she moderately felt content. But still looking back at Kollector, she might've doubt her rescue mission. He seemed well enough to stand on his own despite being beaten constantly. Kalliste gestured Kollector to come to follow as she hurriedly went inside.

All the corridors were empty, unusually blank. And only one soul remained in this dreary place. When walking upon a set of stairs where she remembered Ermac going towards; a medium room where a resting man was present. Kalliste quietly walked closer in curiosity, upon closer inspection, it was Rain. He rested bitterly as his body was covered in bandages and scorched spots. The same fate was given to him just like Kalliste.

Rain looked over, slightly troubled.

"Why are you ... here?" He asked dimly. Kalliste rose her eyebrow in soft regard. "You should be with Mileena." He addressed. Now Kalliste was even more confused.

"-Yes, well... Where is she?" Kalliste asked softly.

"She is traveling to Shang Tsung's island... Reiko means to betray her."

Kalliste took in his words and-

"Where did you-" His words stopped as another soul came in, his eyes glaring at Kollector. "Why is that thing here?" Rain harshly questioned. Kalliste turned around to see what he was talking about and scoffed.

"I saved him...- How long ago did she leave?" Kalliste gazed closer to rain and demanded his answer.

"...15 minutes ago..." Rain said. Kalliste abruptly stood up and dashed quickly towards Kollector, dragging him out of the room. Away from other's ears and other's views. Alone once more, Kalliste pushed Kollector against the wall.

"...We must travel to Shang Tsung's island immediately. Unless... you're unwell to fight..."

"...Empress Mileena is whom you serve now...?" Kollector asked. Kalliste bitterly glared at him. She nodded softly in response. "...Yes... and if I'm not there, then I am not much of a servant to her. -Can you... manage on your own...?" Kalliste said.

Kollector slightly pushed her arms away in response. His eyes became suddenly hasty, just like what he always had from the very beginning. It was very much like him.

"Let us go."

Precious Possession (OC x Kollector) - MK11Where stories live. Discover now