Goodbye For Now

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I woke up to whispered voices, and giggles.


Arthur turns from behind the door to look at me, I see girls outside his door too. "You're up!" One of the girls shouts. Then about ten girls all rush through the door, surrounding the bed, where I was.

"Girls give her space to breathe, please." Arthur says.

"You're the girl Arthur has been dreaming of." A girl with long black hair says while grabbing my hand.

"I am the what?" I ask

"Arthur has told us, he has dreamed of a girl since he came here." Another chimed in.

"Where exactly is here?"

"A brothel."

Still dizzy, I push the covers off of me, "I must get home or ... what time of day is it?"

"A little after mid-day." The girl with the long black hair says.

"It is too late. I will never make it in time." I start to tie the laces of my shoes and stand up. I was still dizzy, so my steps weren't as gracefully as I would like them to be.

"Girls, let's give her some space."

I heard 'No's' and 'Awes'. But eventually the girls leave, it is just Arthur and I.

I turn to Arthur. It is just us, alone in this room.

"I hope it's ok that Lucy stitched you up while you were asleep." I touched my eyebrow, which now had thread in it.

"Will you tell Lucy, thank you?"

"You're welcome!" I heard from outside the door.

We both laugh at that. I look up to see his face, his blonde hair pushed back, his bright blue eyes. He is right in front of me, and yet I'm too shy to speak. This is something I have always wanted. Just talk to him!

"I know this seems fast and strange, but I feel like I've known you my whole life. I've seen you in every dream I've ever had. I saw you grow more beautiful everyday. How is this possible?" He asked.

"It is not strange, because I've been having dreams of you too. Since I was a child."

"Really?" He played with a piece of my hair, "What do you think this is?"

"I cannot say. I want to stay and tell you everything, but if I do not return to my father. He will come here and find me." I put my forehead against his. "My father is a good man, who but I told him I would home by sunset today. I must return to him."

"I'm afraid when I let you go, I will wake up and this was all a dream."

I pull away from him, I laugh. "I promise you this is not a dream. Watch."

I pinched his arm. "Ouch."

"You do not feel pain in dreams." I smirked at him.

He gave me this look before he said, "Are you falling for me like I'm falling for you?" 

"Arthur. You have haunted my every dream, every thought of everyday. I have seen you grow up into a man. If you think you have not gained all my attention, you are sorely mistaken."

"Alright, because I'm way past fallen for you, my dear." He lifted my chin and captured my lips with his.

Together we walked out of the Brothel, hand in hand. Back-Lack and Wet Stick behind us. They walked me a couple of streets from Bedivere's shop, when I saw Rubio and my basket with him.

"Rubio!" I yelled at him. "Stay here." I said to the three of them.

I ran to Rubio and hugged him tightly. "Are you ok? I couldn't find you anywhere. Bedivere is freaking out."

"I am alright. It is a long story, but I met Arthur."

"I can see that." I pushed him away after rolling my eyes. I opened the basket and grabbed one of the apple tarts, "I just need to say goodbye."

I walk back to the three of them. "I have to go but thank you three for everything. I do not know how to repay you. You must let me do something for you when I am back."

"We would love that Scarlett." Wet Stick said. He gave me a light hug.

I turn to Back-Lack, "Please give this to Blue from me. I owe him and you a debt for saving me. Thank you." I handed him the apple tart.

Finally, I turn to Arthur. I give him a big hug, "I will see you tonight."

"I'll see you soon then." We pull away and walk as fast as I possible can to Rubio.

"Get me out of here, or I swear I will turn around and run back into his arms."

"I had no idea you have so many teeth with that smile." He teases me.

My farewells with Bedivere, Rubio and Percival ended the same. I thanked them for everything, gave them each an apple tart, and snuck out with Borin. I stopped at the same tree, I tied Borin to and I sent a bird ahead of me to Merlin and my sister. Not too much detail, but enough where they knew I was headed back, I am safe and in one piece.

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