Lady of the Lake

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When we got back to the cave, Arthur carried Blue to our room. Once Blue was placed on the bed, I crawled in next to him. I looked at the little boy in my arms, tear-stained cheeks. I was to take care of him now, he was mine. I fell asleep holding Blue.

I woke up to hear a crash in my head. I saw Arthur was gone, and I went to find Bedivere. He was sleeping as everyone else was, but I knew Arthur wasn't alright. I shook Bedivere awake, he was startled to see me.

"Something is wrong, Arthur's gone. You need to find him." I said then left.

I heard rustling before I saw Stick, Percy, Bedivere, George and Bill leave the cave.

I lay down next to Blue again, trying to go back to sleep when I heard a voice. "Let me show you," I shoot right up, looking to find whoever was talking. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them I saw a destroyed city. "what your uncle will do if you do not accept this sword."

A new mother looked at Arthur and me with her dead baby on her lap

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A new mother looked at Arthur and me with her dead baby on her lap. "Only you can prevent this. He must be met where sword meets tower. Trust the Mages." When I opened my eyes again, I was meet with Mischief John.

"Hello, missy." He smiled evilly.

"Blue run!" I tried to yell at him, but a BlackLeg soldier had grabbed him and put a knife to his neck.

"Now, tell me where your guy is and nobody else gets hurt." I could hear from outside the room, people screaming.

When I stayed silent, he motioned for another soldier to grab me from off the bed. As I passed Mischief John I spat in his face, he stopped the soldier from walking and slapped me. "Salem, no!" I heard Blue scream.

"Salem? Hmm? From the stories?" He turned to the soldier, "Take her to Vortigern. As for everyone else, kill them."

"No! Kill me!" I cried out to him. The soldier grabbed me again, leading me outside. I watched as BlackLegs killed the men and women who have been helping us. When we got outside, I saw my sister and Blue together. My soldier put me next to them, I whispered to her. "I have to ask you a favor."

"Right now?" She whispered back.

I saw Mischief John walk out of the cave, turning to her, desperation in my voice. "They are taking us to Vortigern, you need to be traded for the sword. Without the sword, Arthur is no threat to the king. You need to conjure a snake and puts its venom into Arthur, it's strange but Merlin taught me this. You remember the snake from the Darklands? You tap into it, you go to the castle. Let me take it from there, I love you sister." I then turn to Blue, "One more thing? Look after Blue for me."  Blue turns when he hears his name, I put my hands on his face, "You be strong alright? I love you, Blue. I love you both."

Before they could protest, I tapped into the horse's mind. I made sure Mischief John could see that it was me, controlling them. "Take her back to the castle now!" He screamed. I had my own group of soldiers surrounding me, with a knife to my back.

It was a long trek, to the castle. My sister and Blue a couple of hours behind me. The same soldier from this morning grabbed my arm tightly, dragging me along to my doom. The door opened to Vortigern's throne room. There he stood, right in front of me.

"What is this?" Vortigern asked.

"She said her name was Salem, your majesty."

"Ahh, bring her to me." Again I was dragged. Vortigern grabbed my hand closest to him. "You see, Salem was the name of the baby that gave her blood to the sword. It's what bound the sword to my bloodline. You can't be the same girl, because I murdered that baby myself." He reached down to his hip and grabbed a dagger, he put it against my palm, and cut it. My blood fell on the papers that laid on his table, as I brought my hand to my chest.

"Put her with the rest. She is no use to me." He said.

"If you want to hurt the Born King kill me," I say.

"What did you say, girl?" His eyes burnt with fire.

"Your stupid soldiers should've done their research. You see I'm not just Salem, the baby's whose blood bound the sword to your brother. I'm also your nephew's fiance. So, if you want to see him hurt, kill me."

"Oh no, I have other plans for you."

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