Bow And Arrows

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The next morning everyone gathered to go over the plan. I sat where Arthur could see me, but kept Blue by my side. I knew as hard as I tried Blue would always want to be in the action. So  I made sure whatever plan was going to happen, I would be with him.

The boys went over all the exit plans, which would only be one. The building wasn't right, about 175 yards away. Which made it difficult to shoot from even for me.

"How far can you shoot, Back Lack?" Bedivere asked.

"Accurately? 75."

"Bill?" Bedivere asked again.

He mumbled, so Blue and I couldn't hear what he said. But Wet Stick helped with that, "Same as."

Bedivere corrected him, "No, he said, "175."

Wet Stick chuckled at that, "All right, mate, of course, you can."

Blue whispered to me, "What about you Salem? You can shoot that far."

"Hush Blue." I scold him.

But Blue insisted, "What about Salem? She can shoot."

"Blue." I scold again.

"How far can you shoot Salem?" Bedivere asked.

I sighed, "About 150 yards. But, this is a job for one of you. I would, however, would love to see Bill shoot."

"I'll grab my bow," Goosefat said.

We walk outside, while Lack and Wet Stick go about 175 yards holding the target. I stand next to Arthur, who puts his arm around my waist, while I cross my arms. Goosefat shoots the first arrow when he sees the two men in position.

 Goosefat shoots the first arrow when he sees the two men in position

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"Hey!" Lack distantly yells.

"Maybe they thought that was luck." Bedivere says. I hold in a laugh.

Bill grabs another arrow and let's it loose as Lack yells, "That could've killed us."

"They scream like girls, your friends." Bill says, that time I couldn't hold in a laugh. I put my head in Arthurs's shoulder, while he stares at Bill.

Later that night, the plan for everyone was set in motion. I would be with Blue after everything goes according to plan. I would also be with my sister. I tried talking Arthur out of it, but he thought it was best to have the Mages together. I didn't agree but went with it to keep him happy. So we arrived in the city, and boys went off to their assassination, and my sister and I waited. The calm before the storm.

Our hoods laying on our heads, as we leaned against opposite walls. She thought now would be the perfect time to make amends. "Salem, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said the things I did, I just want what's best for you. Can you at least forgive me before we could possible die because of your boyfriend's plan."

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