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The days following led to Merlin leaving to go back to my sister, me still ignoring Arthur, everyone noticing our little quarrel.

Bill, Bedivere, and Wet Stick had all approached me with why I was upset. Percy and George just sat outside while I shot arrows for hours. No questions asked by them, just silence and asking if I need any food or drinks. I would reply to them, but only yes and no.

The other three finally caught on, which they then decided to have their round table meetings outside under the shade. They now had given me stuff to do, which Blue would write down for me.

I really didn't want to talk to anyone, but my sister and Blue. They both had all my attention. I could talk to them for hours. They didn't push me, they didn't drop subtle hints. They understand I would talk to them about why I was mad, in my own time.

I could tell Marie was uncomfortable with my silence too. She was the one to tell me I was with child, and the doctor the day before the last confirmed it.

Maire and I had been explaining our history when Arthur burst through the doors of the library.

"Salem. May I please talk to you, now?" He was keeping his anger in. I could tell by his voice.

I stood from the table, kissing Blue on his head. I walked to him, he grabbed my hand. He walked fast, leading us to the throne room.

"Salem, please tell me why you are upset at me, so I can fix this. Just talk to me! Darling, please." He held my face in his hands.

"I'm with child" I whisper.

He smiled, "Darling! That's amazing!" He tried to kiss me, but I moved from his grasp.

I walked away from him. "Why are you upset? Isn't this what we wanted?" He asked

"It is isn't it? At least this is what I have wanted, I can't tell with you anymore."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Arthur asked so confusedly.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I heard you talking at the roundtable. You said now wouldn't be ideal to have a child. You said you weren't even sure you wanted to be a father." I spat with all the venom I possessed at him.

"Salem, I can explain that." He put his hands in defense.

"Then explain, because I can remember how much we wanted a kid before I left for Polutem. Explain how now you've changed your mind!"

"I haven't changed my mind! I just want him or her to grow up without their parents. I need to make the kingdom safe for our baby and for you." He looked at my stomach.

I put my hand over where my baby was, "I can protect myself."

"What if there is a time where you can't. What if you die or I do? What will happen to our baby?"

"They will have a family that will love them and raise them. As we have done."

He was silent. I could tell he had so many things he wanted to say. I felt of his anxieties, I know I was not helping by ignoring him. However, he hurt me. He made me think he didn't want a baby with me after we discussed it. He lied to me.

"I'm sorry. I was talking to Merlin and he put all these worries in my head, not purposefully. He just reminded me of the danger our child will have. Not only will they be entitled to the sword, but they might inherit your mageness. And they will be a prince or a princess. When you heard me talking, it was a moment of weakness with Stick. I didn't mean what I said, and after I said it, I took it back. I want this baby, you have to believe me."

In the middle of all that, Arthur ended up falling to his knees in front of me. As much as I wanted to be mad at him, I couldn't. He is the love of my life, my child's father. My Arthur. The Arthur that saved me after Blue recused me from the BlackLegs.

"If you ever say something like that again, I will personally chain you to the throne room walls and leave you there."

"Does that mean, I'm forgiven and we can stop fighting?"

"I suppose." He jumped to his feet, kissing me on my cheeks multiple times. "Now, all we have to do is tell the others."

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