Snakes - Arthur

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Bedivere had told me of the plans Salem had told him days before. She felt this would happen, she instructed us to trade the sword for The Mage. I fought against him but eventually agreed. Salem knew her sister was stronger with the Mage power than she was.

Lack told me after he met Salem how much she reminded him of Blue's mother. I saw the look in his eyes at the safehouse, he gave Salem the responsibility of Blue. He would always have the crew, but Salem was to raise him as hers. If she was at the castle with Blue, she could protect him. In ways, I didn't want to think about.

So, Bedivere took the sword to the castle, and returned with The Mage. They got off their horses and The Mage started working right away, she went into the woods. Then around the field looking for something.

Bedivere came over to the fire, where the last of every one of the resistance was. "How'd it go?" I asked.

"I don't think you wanna know." He said.

"If it's about Salem or Blue, I do. Tell me." I said calmly.

Before Bedivere could start, The Mage returned, "Vortigern has my sister chained to the wall, Merlin taught her how to keep the screams in from being tortured. He's making her bleed, slowly but eventually, she will bleed out." The Mage placed everything she had in her hands on the ground and into a pot above the fire. "Before we were brought to the castle, she told me what to do for you. I had no idea she knew this. But, hopefully, this will save her. If not, I will kill her myself."

"No one is killing her." I said.

"Would you rather she be dead and out of pain or know she's alive and suffering." She shoots back.

Everyone went quiet, "We will get her back, Art." Wet Stick put a hand on my shoulder.

The Mage went to work, doing whatever Salem told her to do. She crushed some of the stuff she put in the pot and walked over to me. "This venom will induce that which is hidden from you. It will show you things you do not want to see. But you'll need its protection. Hold my hand."

I put my hand on hers while she starts whispering something. Suddenly a snake comes out of her sleeve, onto the hand that I was holding. It crawls up my shirt, "I don't like snakes."

"No one likes snakes. Except for Salem." The snake slithered up to my shoulders and around my neck, then it bite me.

I get a flashback of my younger self on the docks when I see the snake in front of me. I heard The Mage, "Stay with me. Stay with me." The snake finally let's go. "You will feel it for a few hours."

I get on my horse and head to the castle. As The Mage had said, I started to see things. In the woods, at the castle. But, I trust her and Salem. I rode my horse into the castle, giving myself up.

 I rode my horse into the castle, giving myself up

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