My Arthur?

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My sister and I sat in the library of Merlin's humble castle, practicing as instructed. In the last couple of weeks, it seemed that Merlin was preparing us for when Arthur, my Arthur, would become king.

We were ready for battle, I however did not want to hear of the danger he had to be in before we could jump in and help. I had been counting down the days since Merlin had said I would return to Londinium. The hours now, I would wait until the mid-day than ride.

It seemed I would see Arthur a lot sooner than excepted.

Merlin enchanted the door open as he walked in. "Girls, you must ride to Londinium now. Go find Bedivere, once he sees the both of you he will know what is to come."

"Is Arthur ok?" I asked panicked.

"He will be, you girls be safe. I will see you when I see you." I rose from my seat and ran to hug him. Everything he has trained me for is here.

My sister and I gathered everything we need, which was not much. By the front entrance, I tied my green cloak around my neck. As my sister tied her blue one. Then, we rode to Bedivere. We tied the horse to the same tree I had tied Borin to, then walked to Bedivere's shop.

The first time I went into his shop they welcomed me with open arms. My sister and I are very different, she is more standoffish. I'm softer. So, she approached Rubio and asked to speak to Bedivere, while I stood behind her. My hood covering my face.

Rubio told us to wait, as he talked to Bedivere. We were only around the corner and could hear everything.

He opened the wooden doors, which creaked. Then, he knocked, "There are people here to see you."


"I think you need to see them."

I could not hear what Bedivere said, but Rubio looked over his shoulder and signaled us to come in. I stood by the door, my hood still disguising me. My sister walked to one of the only windows in the warm room. Bedivere stood to his natural height, as he and Rubio watched my sister.

She exhaled before she spoke, "Do you know who I am? Who we are?"

"I know who you are, Mage. The other one, I assume is Salem." I took off my hood, and revealed my face with a smirk. "I've seen you both in my dreams. You've been sent by Merlin."

"Then you know why we are here."

"So, you will be his guides." He turned to look at both of us.

"And you will help us." I finished for her.

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