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We went into the kitchen and grabbed whatever we saw. Blue helped carry it back to them. I waited to see everyone besides Arthur leave the room. I walked in, leaning against the wall.

"So, you're a Mage." He had this back to me.

"I am."

"I don't care about the rest, just tell me something. Did Bedivere and Bill send you to me?"

"Arthur, no." I crossed the room to him, silently begging him to look at me. "I begged Merlin for months, years to let me see you. At first, I was only going to see you from a distance, but Blue caught me and lead me to you. I had to see the man of my dreams." I smiled."I didn't tell you I was a Mage, because Merlin had this plan for you. I couldn't risk you not finding your destiny. Even though you don't want the sword, it is yours."

"Because it is bound to my bloodline." He was still staring down the table.

"You're not the only one." He finally looked up to me and I turned to the fire.

"My sister told you of how Merlin forged the sword. Then passed it to the Lady of the Lake who bound it to the Pendragon bloodline. What she and Bedivere didn't say is that both Merlin and the Lady, used a drop of a newborn baby's blood to forge and bound it."

I looked at him, "That was me. As you are connected to the sword, I am too. I can see right into your mind as the sole owner of the sword, but if need be I can use the sword as you. Where there's poison, there's a remedy."

"That's why we dream of each other."

"A side effect Merlin didn't account for. And don't get me wrong, I don't want the sword. I will gladly give my life to save you or the sword, but that is your birthright. As is the throne. King Arthur." I tease him as I kiss below his ear.

"You will never give your life for me or the sword. You are not getting out of this whole mess. If I am to be King, I need a queen." I smirked at me. "What do you say?"

"Yes! A million times yes." He grabs my face and smashes a kiss on my lips while deepening it.

King Arthur: Legends of The SwordWhere stories live. Discover now