On My Life

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As soon as I started following after Blue, I knew I was in for it when I got back to the crew. At least both my sister and Arthur could yell at me instead of each other.

I'll take what I can get with them.

I grabbed Blue's hand, holding it tightly in mine, so I wouldn't lose him. We looked down streets and up streets, anywhere we thought Lack would be.

Finally, we came across Lack, leaning himself on a wall. "Where you been, dad?"

"Catching me breath." Lack said weakly.

"What's wrong?" Blue asked instantly sensing something was off.

Lack looked into his sons eyes, "Nothing. I'm all right. Just got to get to the safe house."

Blue put his hand on his dads cheek, "Can you make it?"

Lack nodded his head, "I love you, mate. C'mon let's get going." Lack started to hobble with the help of Blue.

"Wait, Blue will you go check if the street is clear?" Blue looked at me, unsure. I bend down to his level. "You're dad will be safe with me. I promise."

He nodded once before looking at the both of us and running.

"Lack, let me see it."

"I'm alright."

"Don't you give me that. I need to see." I gave him a stern look.

He lifted his jacket, showing me the large blood stain. He put the jacket back down, I looked down the alleyway to see how close Blue was to us. Lack grabbed my arm, "If I don't make it out of this, swear to me you will look after him."

"Lack, don't say that." I put my hand on his.

"Swear to me! He's all I have left, he needs you and the crew. I've never told you before, but you remind me of his mother. He sees you that way, he listens to you. He protests your honor, he loves you. I need you to look after my Blue Boy, please."

I tighten my grip on his hand, "Of course. I will raise him as my own, Lack. I swear on my life. But, that won't happen today."

Blue comes running back, "All clear."

"Good, let's get your dad and us to the safe house." I put Lack's arm around my shoulder as I help carry him to safety.

When we arrive I hear Arthur's voice asking if Blue found his father, and Lack answering. Percy comes over to us, and takes over for me.

I look around to see Rubio missing. "Where's Rubio?" I ask the group.

"He didn't make it." Bedivere says.

I lost the breath in my lungs. Rubio. No. He's gone? "No. You're lying."

"I wish I was."

Rubio was the first real friend I had besides my sister and Merlin. He showed me kindness, when everyone else was afraid of me. My breaths became very quick and short. Keep it together Salem, for once, don't show your heart on your sleeve.

Stick comes over to me, "Salem, breath. You need to breath." He takes a deep breath, showing me how to do it. I eventually do it too.

He grabs my head and pulls me into his chest, I focus on my friends heartbeat. Keep it together, I tell myself. It isn't about you right now.

Arthur came out of a room, he saw I was safe with Stick. So, he went to Lack. We all knew right now was not the time to start picking fights and falling apart.

"Salem, come help me pack the boat up." Stick said.

I followed after him. One after another everyone comes out to the boat, Lack was going to be moved last. As Stick and I were packing up the boat, I went in and hugged Lack.

I knew he was weak and I had already promised to look after Blue. I just wanted to thank him for his friendship to me and the joy Blue has brought me thus far.

I stood behind Blue as Arthur said to Lack, "We need to get you out of here."

Stick came in, "Let's get your butt on that boat, Lack. There's a good fog, to cover our tracks."

"I need a little breather. Here, load everyone else up and come back for me." Lack said while pushing Blue towards me.

"No. I'll stay with you." Blue protested.

"No you won't. Give em a hand. I'll be all right, mate. Just give me a minute."

Lack looks at me, "Come on, Blue." I grabbed his hand, and the sword from Arthur's hand. "You carry this." I gave the sword to Blue. Tugging him down the stairs and out to the boat.

I got into the boat and reached my arms out for Blue, "I can't." the boy said.

"Get in the boat, Blue. I'll get your dad." Arthur said.

"I can't leave him!" Blue screamed, running back inside.

"Blue!" I screamed.

Arthur ran inside to get him. It was quiet for a few minutes before we heard Blue's scream. Stick and I both stood up and watched Arthur lock the door behind him and run to the boat with Blue in his arms. He jumped into the boat and we pushed off from the dock.

Arthur held Blue in his arms. Eventually, Blue came over to me and fell asleep. I caress his head and made sure he was warm enough. While we sailed off into the night.

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