Breathing Exercises

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Merlin stayed for a little longer than I expected. I didn't mind at all, it was nice having him around. He sat in the library while Marie and I taught Blue. He would come over and distract us with stories, ones I grew up on. I smiled at my father figure and Blue. They were getting close and it made my heart so full.

Though the time Merlin had been at the castle, I was getting more and more tired every day. I didn't want anyone to worry and I had sent for a doctor, who would arrive tomorrow. I was so tired that as Marie and I prepared the materials for Blue's lesson that day, I had to sit down from feeling so dizzy.

I could see Marie looking at me from the corner of her eye, "Is there something you would like to say, Marie?" I teased her.

She basically ran over to me, sitting in the chair in front of me, as I leaned over a trash can. "Are you excited? I would be!"

"Excited about what?" My eyebrows came together.

"The baby! What else?" She confused me even more.

"What baby?" I closed my eyes, hoping to not feel so dizzy.

"You're with child, aren't you?" My eyes shot right open, I looked at her.

"I can't be with child."

I brush it off, but then she asked. "When was the last time you bleed?"

My eyes widened again. I stood up, screaming in joy. I jumped around. "I have to tell Arthur!"

"Go!" Marie said to me.

I ran as fast I could to the table room or as they decided to call it the round table. I stood at the door, that was a little cracked open I heard Arthur talking to someone. "We've been talking about kids, right now wouldn't be ideal. And I don't know if I want to be a father, I mean we have Blue. But, a child that is mine? I'm not sure-"

I stepped back from the door, with one hand on my mouth and the other on my stomach. I quickly retreated to my chambers. I lay in my bed, cradling my stomach and crying. Arthur lied to me, I'm sure he has before, to protect me. But this was a big lie. I was angry, more than I have ever felt in my life. I wanted to go yell and scream and hurt him.

Instead, I grabbed my sword and bow and arrows. I walked out of mine and Arthur's room to the grassy area outside, where George, Bedivere, and Goosefat train me. Usually we come later in the day, so the sun doesn't blind us. It wasn't even midday when I walked outside.

I aggressively throw my weapons on the ground as I set up my target, next to a tree. I started with the bow first, imaging Arthur's face on the target.

I silently cried as I let my arrow fly. He said he wanted kids, I got Blue a teacher so I could have more time with him. Now he says it wouldn't be ideal. He wasn't even sure he wanted children.

I would back and forth to get my arrows from the target and the ones that I missed. Groaning in anger and mumbling to myself.

"You know I haven't seen you this angry in a while," Merlin said from behind me. "I see you can hit quite far now."

"I don't want to talk about it," I stated.

"We don't have to talk, but I know when you are upset. So please sit down with me." He sat on a bench nearby.

I threw my bow down and my arrow straight into the ground. I huffed as I sat down next to my mentor and father figure growing up.

"Breathe in and let the anger out through your breath."


"Do it for this old man."

I inhaled and exhaled sharply.  "Merlin, I really don't want to do breathing exercises. All I want to do is shoot at my target and swing my sword at a tree." I stand up and point to where I was before he came out here.

"Alright. I will leave you when you tell me where I can find your Blue boy." He smiled.

He knew Blue was my weakness and I smiled at him, a little of my anger disappearing. "He should be with the crew in the round table room. But you can take him on the horses or whatever you would like to do."

He nodded at me and walked inside. I felt proud to be Blues mom. But not as much joy as I felt when Merlin asked to bond with him. I wish my parents could have met everyone who has gotten me where I am. That's when my anger came back. My parents would never meet my child.

I grabbed my sword leaning against the tree and started swinging until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What are you doing, my Darling?" Arthur asked.

It was sundown and I haven't even noticed until now. I shake his hand off my shoulder, giving him a dirty look. I grabbed my weapons and stomped my way into the castle.

"Salem! Salem!" Arthur called from behind me.

I walked up the stairs to find Merlin and Blue. I could hear Arthur still trying to get my attention. I hear laughs grew louder as I walk to Blue's room.

I walk in to see Merlin, showing him magic. "Mom!" Blue screams. I crouched down to hug him. "Guess what we did today?"

I pushed his hair to the side, "What were you both up to?" I look at Merlin and smiled. Still running my hands through Blue's hair, my entire focus was on how calm he made me feel. And not the anger Arthur caused me at the moment.

"We rode horses and we-" He stopped himself, "The rest is a surprise."

"Oh?" I look at Merlin again, he simply shrugged his shoulders. "Did you tell Merlin thank you for spending the day with you?"

"Thanks Merlin," Blue says to him.

"I had been waiting to meet you for a long time Blue, your mom talks about you all the time in her letters." Blue held onto my waist tighter.

"Ok Blue, let's get you to bed," I say to him.

"I'll help," Arthur said from the door.

I rolled my eyes.

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