Go Away

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It was early in the morning when my sister tugged at my feet. She had told me the night before I needed to practice my Mageness. So, I gave Arthur a peck, grabbed my clothes, and got dressed in the empty kitchen. I also grabbed an ax, and a bow and arrows.

We left the safety of the cave and hiked up the mountain. It was silent as we went, she was always silent. Usually I'm the talkive one, which she noticed. "Little dove, why are you so quiet?"

"Just thinking."

"Anything I should know?" She kept leading us on the path.

"I told Arthur last night, about everything," I explained.

"That's good, isn't it?"

"He did also say something, without actually saying it. I think he meant it when he said it, but than again maybe this whole king-sword-thing has gotten to his head. Maybe he just said it because he needs security."

"Little Dove. What did he say?"

"He didn't ask, he sort of just said. "If he was to be King, he needed a queen." And I sort of said yes." My sister stopped in her tracks.

"Sister?" I ask her midway through the tiresome trek. "You're upset."

"You're just leaving me to spend the rest of your life with him. Why would I be upset?"

"What are you talking about?" I put my hands on my hips.

"He basically asked you to marry him. You are going to live in his castle, while I waste away with Merlin for the rest of my life. Does that make you happy?" She walked toward me and started to walk back down the mountain.

"Actually I was going to ask if you wanted to come with us."

She was silent but kept walking. "You knew this day was coming. I have always wanted to be with Arthur, long before I met him. Why can't you be happy about this?"

She turned so fast, I had to take a couple of steps back. "Because I'm the one who has always portected you. I have been there through every tantrum, every one of his nightmares that have plagued your mind. I made your cloak for you, I made sure Merlin wasn't too rough on you. That was me, not him."

"I am grateful for everything you've done for me. But I want to be him, with or without your approval. This is my life and I don't want to waste it practicing being a Mage with you and Merlin all my life."

"That is our purpose, we are the last Mages."

"I will never be as good as you! Haven't you noticed? I get tired more easily than you, I was not meant to be a Mage! But I was born to be with Arthur."

"Do you honestly believe that? He has all those beautiful girls around him, who raised him. They are far more experienced than you in everyway, you young, naive, stupid girl. Do you really think he loves you? That he will stay true to you? When it comes down to you or the sword, he will pick the sword every time. And you will have given your life for what?"

"I will have given my life for someone I love. Though it won't be for you." I ran down the mountain after that, I could hear her yell my name. But all I did was run.

I ran until be feet hurt. I tripped and fell onto a sharp rock that tore the sleeve on my shoulder. I rocked myself back and forth and replayed the cruel words my sister had said, while holding my bloody shoulder.

With my sister's cruel words, images of Arthur kissing someone else played in my mind. I put my head in between my knees, "No. No. No." I said to myself.

I should've stood up to her, stood up for Arthur. He would never do those things. He would never hurt me like that, he asked me to be his queen for goodness sakes!

I pulled myself together, wiped away the tears. And navigated my way back to camp.

I pushed back the leaf covers and there stood the crew, plus Bedivere, Rubio, Percy, and my sister. I must have looked worse than I thought because they just looked at me.

"Are you hurt?" My sister approached me, her arms reaching for me. I brush past her, hitting her shoulder with my good one.

"Salem, are you alright darling?" Arthur, looked so much better today. It looked like he actually got ready and did stuff. I still hurt and knew if he hugged me, I would freak out again.

Instead, I ignored everyone and walked straight to my room. I pulled out everything I packed for earlier and replaced it with a new dress and a different cloak, I had made. I put the snacks back in and grabbed the bow and arrows, putting them back on my back.

"Darling, is everything alright?" Arthur walked in.

"I just need some space to think straight. It's not here."

"Great. I'll go with you."

"No, I need you safe and alive. You have people who are relying on you now, you have a family that needs you to be here."

"You do too, my queen. I need you safe and alive, I always need you to keep my grounded and to watch my tongue. So, let me come with you." I know he meant well, but the images kept playing in my hurt mind.

"Arthur! I love you, I just need to get my thoughts back together. I will be back in the morning, I promise."

"What happened?"

"My sister. Now please Arthur, don't make a scene. I'll be alright. I just need to go ax a tree."

"I won't as long as you take someone with you. Anyone." He stroked the sides of my face.

"I'll bring two other people. Me. Myself and I. I'm going alone." I kiss him quick. Before exiting from the room then the cave.

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