Chapter 23~The Run

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We helped James out of the box and he acted like anyone would. His eyes scanned the Glade and he began to tremble. He looked at the crowd of boys and then back at me again. I was the only girl, I am trying to figure that out still but until then, I'll take it.

"Why can't I remember anything?" He begs for an answer. "Why can I only remember my name?"

"We don't know." Alby shakes his head and sighs. "Come on greenie, I'll give you a proper tour."

"Greenie?" He questions.

"We can call you newbie if you like." Newt adds.

"No." James shakes his head. "Don't call me any of your stupid names call me by my name."

"Greenie's got a mouth." I whisper to Newt.

He laughs. "And you didn't?"

"Stop." I roll my eyes.

"Guys don't do your lovey dovey klunk here." Minho groans.

"What?" James looks like he stepped into a sea of confusion and is slowly drowning.

"Never mind that!" I slap Minho lightly. "We've got an exit to find."

"I'll see you later love." Newt kissed my cheek.

"Do I get a kiss?" Ben asks.

"Shuck off Ben!" I push him. "Bye Newt, bye Alby, bye James!"

Ben, Minho and I sprint to the maze and take flight. Turning sharp corners before finally stopping to take a second to breathe.

"I think that James kid has the hots for you." Minho chuckles.

"Yeah right." I laugh.

"He kept looking at you Audrey." Ben laughs.

"Well good thing Newt and I got all 'lovey dovey and klunk' in front of him." I roll my eyes. "How do we even find time to think about a relationship in this mess."

"Because you are the only girl and you are rather attractive." Minho shrugs.

"Let's find this exit already." I laugh at the two boys and take off running ahead of them.

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