Chapter 28~The Awake

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My vision is blurry as I just see shapes. It's like the whole world decided to overdose on drugs. My body felt hot and I felt sick. I felt like I was going to die.

"She's been stung!" Minho screams, at least I think it's Minho.

"Someone get Newt!" James yells.


"Shut up slinthead!" Minho yells at James. "You are the reason she is stung, it's like you tried to kill her!"

I thought we had all been banished.

"M-m-Minho?" I gag.

"Audrey." He whispers. "Audrey you've been stung."

My words come out as slurs. "I thought Gally banished us?"

"Your sick Audrey, you are going to dream things that didn't happen." Minho drags me to the med-jack shack.

I'm so confused. I'm so dead. Was everything about being banished a dream?

"Is she here?" Newt yells. "Bloody hell."

I feel his hands touch my face. I think he's trying not to cry.

"Audrey." Newt whispers. "Audrey it's Newt."

I try to say something but I can't. I can't move, all I feel is pain. Terrible pain. I didn't understand anything, I felt so confused. My whole body felt stuck in a void.

Then it hits me.

Griever venom. Thomas said that it will regain memory.


I remember.

I remember everything.

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