Chapter 30~The Cry

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Every part of me ached to flee the nightmare I was in. Everything kept replaying in the back of my mind until it was memorized. I must be dead if I can't fight off whatever is happening to me. I must be dead.

My senses come back and I open my eyes, begging for some sort of comfort as my body fails to keep me healthy.

"Water." I cough up blood.

Matt ran around until he found some water and gave it to me. He refilled the cup until I pushed it away, unable to say anything more.

"Johnny!" Matt called. "Go get Newt, James, Alby, Ben and Minho."


I wanted to scream for James not to come but I couldn't. My voice was stuck. This could turn out to be my death bed.

Newt sprinted in first and collapsed in front of me, I must of looked completely awful.

Ben and Minho came next and let out little gasps when they saw me.

James and Alby came last and they watched me closely.

"How long ago did she wake up?" Newt asks, watching my every move, remembering my every blink.

"Almost ten minutes now, she's had the fastest recovery I have ever seen." Matt explains.

"Audrey can you say anything?" Newt asks, actually more like begs.

But that isn't my name. My name is Angie Harrison. I had a sister and a family and now I'm in a maze because of a killer virus wiping out the world.

"Can you remember anything?" Alby asks, I keep my eyes on James as he shuffled uncomfortably.

Just like when I was in the box, entering the Glade for the first time, I remembered the one thing that was a sign of remembrance and resilience.

I gesture at my stomach and slowly pull up the dirty fabric, drenched in blood.

Property of WICKED. Group A, Subject A0, The Poison

Everyone in the room looked closely at the finely printed letters. I felt my hand grasp the blade in my pocket, my tattoo was distracting my murderer so I could get rid of him.

"Don't even think about it." James snarled as I was about to throw the blade. "Don't try anything Angie, or Newt will be gone." Before I could say another word, James had Newt in a headlock with a knife to his throat. "If any one of you try something or attempt to escape, everyone dies."

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