Chapter 43- new years morning :)

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Riley's POV;

I wake up bright and early at 8.30am on new years day with a massive smile on my face as I roll over and my boy is laying beside me still fast asleep, I smile as I lay beside him my head on his bare chest. When we first started to have "sleepovers" I wouldn't sleep in the same room let alone bed with him but eventually I am okay with it now, I trust him. I kiss him on the chest hoping he will wake up, it works.

"good morning to you my princess." James says still half asleep.

"good morning to you my prince." I say sweetly.

He wraps his arm back around me.

"how did you sleep beautiful?" he asks me lovingly.

"never better, you my boy?" I ask smiling.

"same, I guess I have that impact on people." James joked still half asleep.

I rolled my eyes. I did sleep better when I was beside him though.

"hey! People? I think you mean person." I say trying to act annoyed.

"only you riles." he smirks and gives me a gentle kiss.

"you hungry?" he asks me.

"not really." I state firmly.

"what was that you want pancakes with whipped cream? Lucky your boyfriend knows how to cook that then." he says laughing.

I wasn't hungry but he knew how to make me laugh and I do love pancakes.

James's POV;

Riley never really eats, I mean she does eat but only little amounts and it kind of worries me a little bit, I remind myself not to worry as I'm sure everything's good. She's not getting out of eating these though! I think to myself.

"hopefully my boyfriend doesn't poison me." Riley jokes from beside me.

I jump up and go into my suitcase and grab my hoodie and put my hat on backwards.

"maybe he will if your not careful." I state laughing.

She's laughing too.

"is that so! Who will give you kisses then?" Riley says playfully.

I think to myself who would give me kisses then? I wouldn't want kisses ever off anyone other then Riley, never ever ever.

"no one which is why I won't poison you, I'm husband material." I joke.

"is that so? These better be damn good pancakes mr." she says back

We walk over to the portable kitchen like thing and Riley and I make pancakes together, as a couple, it's actually really cute as we never have cooked together that much before only on Christmas eve when we made chocolate balls. My family soon join us.


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