Chapter 32

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Selene's eyes widened as she saw the Katakan, now it made sense, why she had seen bodies of victims that looked as if they had been drained of blood. Triss looked over and saw the horror in Selene's eyes. Because after all the last time she had seen a Katakan, she had almost died. "Shit Selene! Watch out!" Selene shook her head and ducked just as the creatures claw like hand aimed for her face. "Why the fuck is this down here?!" "Because it feeds on those that are down here or living down here, watch out for its claws!" Triss nodded as she threw fire at the creature.
     Selene drew her silver sword and worked on attacking it while it's guard was down only for her hair to caught in its claws. "Selene!" And for a second it was like time slowed down, for a second Selene was truly afraid. However that quickly vanished as she remembered that she told Iorveth she wouldn't die. Using her silver sword she sliced it through the part of her hair that was caught in the Katakan's claws. Forcing it to stumble backwards and leave Triss in a state of shock as she saw the knee length black hair being sliced off till it was at her waistline.
      Without waiting, or pause Selene turned on her heel and sliced the monsters chest open, blood flew across the room, spraying the wall before she blasted backwards using aard. A sickening crack was heard and Triss found herself worrying that the wall had cracked. Only to watch as Selene finally beheaded the monster. Turning to look at the startled redhead Selene raised an eyebrow. "Can we keep going please? I really don't wanna be in the same room as this." She motioned with her one hand to the Katakan and Triss slowly nodded.
      She could see Selene was somewhat hurt, yet she was ignoring it, deciding to take swallow to begin healing her injuries. "You uh you okay?" "No, that actually terrified me. But I'll be fine." Triss wanted to say something but the way Selene ended the conversation meant she wouldn't be bringing it up again anytime soon. It wasn't long until they heard the sound of seagulls and both woman exchanged a knowing smile. They had found the way out. "We made it." "We did." Triss smiled and looked at Selene. "I'll single the others, do you need help fixing your hair?"
      "Hm? Oh no, I'll even it out while you do what you need to do." Triss nodded and walked away as Selene used a smaller dagger to finish evening out her now waist length hair. By the time she was done it was sitting comfortably against her hips and free of its braid. As the others started to show up Selene found herself looking for Iorveth, who was quickly making his way towards her while Triss spoke to Dijkstra. "Selene? What happened?" Selene sighed and simply hugged the man. After the ordeal with the Katakan, she simply wanted to be held. Iorveth blinked before wrapping his arms around her, taking in her now slightly shorter hair.
      "Your hair?" Selene sighed as she pulled back and explained what happened in the sewers. "I'm just glad you're alright." "I am now. Took swallow it got a few good slashes on me." He frowned but nodded. She was alive and that's all he cared about. Just then however a group of mage hunters showed up. "Kill all of them! Don't let a single one escape!" However before anyone could attack multiple arrows were fired from the rooftops killing any and all hunters in sight. "Iorveth?" He chuckled. "You finally made it Cedric!" "Well sorry, I had to track down the rest of them." "Right, who is all with you?" "Motta, Caidrin, Ciaran, Seherim and Ele'yas."
      "Good, Selene it looks like Triss wants you." Selene nodded and walked over to where Triss was while Iorveth caught Cedric up on what happened. "I'll miss you Selene." Selene was silent for a second. "I'll miss you too, but it's not goodbye. Who knows maybe I'll Travel to Kovir." Triss smiled. "That's true, and just maybe I'll show up at Kaer Morhen." "See? It's not goodbye, it's an I'll see you later." Triss smiled before she hugged Selene. "Take care of yourself." "You too Triss. I'm gonna finish up some stuff here, look around for more clues, perhaps held to Skellige, see if I can't get help for that battle with the Hunt."
      "Good luck Selene, and safe travels." And with that she got on the boat and sailed away with the rest of the mages. Selene sighed as she finally headed back towards Iorveth only to stop in front of Dijkstra. "You alright Selene?" Selene looked at him and shrugged. "I dunno, I really don't. I know I'm tired and I feel disgusting though." He nodded. "Swing by the bathhouse, I'll let you use it. Then we can talk, and bring your elf friend with you." Selene simply nodded and walked off. Iorveth looked over and as she finally grew closer did he throw an arm around her shoulder and hold her close. It was easy to see she was tired. Yet none of them were aware of the fact that Dijkstra had been watching them closely before he too walked away into the night.

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