Chapter 10

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In Crows Perch, the Baron's Estate.

  "Geralt, what brings you back after all these years? And sit, sit, we are old friends after all." Geralt raised an eyebrow before he sat down Across from the baron and crossed his arms. "Ah, and where is that lovely companion of yours? It's usual to not see Selene beside you."
     "She's busy, unable to come along this time. But I heard that you saw my daughter. You saw Ciri." The baron blinked. "Ah, so You're looking for yer ward. I'll help you, if you help me." Geralt raised an eyebrow. "Now what could you need in return?" He was silent for a moment. "You see, my wife and daughter are missing. I've asked my men, I've had people looking for them. But nothing. And you Geralt, you're a tracker and a damn good one. You find my wife and daughter and I'll tell you everything I know about your darling Ciri."
      Geralt frowned. "How do I know you won't go back on your word?" "I'm an honest man Geralt, and as a show of good faith, I'll even tell you a bit of it now." Geralt raised an eyebrow again but said nothing as Philip began to talk.
       Ciri was running, she was trying to get away from whatever was chasing her. Only to trip and fall down a hill and into a riverbed where she hid behind an overgrown and fallen tree. Waiting a few minutes before she stood up did she look around before groaning. "Gods that hurt. Now, where am I?" However before she could get far she heard the howling of wolves and the crying of a little girl. "Go away!" Green eyes widened before she ran towards the direction of the voice.
     As she got closer she could see a little girl hiding in the tree as wolves snarled and clawed at it. Drawing her single sword she made quick work of the wolves before looking up. "It's okay now, you can come down." The child looked at her before carefully climbing out of the tree.
    "Thank you Miss. My names Greta." "Well Greta I'm Ciri, what are you doing out here where are your parents?" "They left me here, and I'm a bit lost I was suppose to follow the trail of sweets."
Ciri raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Why would your pa leave you out here?" "Because I was bad. I knocked over all our milk, ma said it was okay, but pa said I had to be taughts a lesson. That they couldn't afford to feed no more mouths."
    Ciri scowled. "Right, well let's get you out of here, now did the sun warm your face or your back?" "It warmed my back."
"Then we need to go west." Greta smiled at this. "Thank you! We should hurry though." "Why?" "Because if we don't, the wolf king will get us and kill us both."
    Flashback ends-

  "That's all I'm willing to say for now." Geralt glared at the man. "That wasn't much." "Yes But, it shows you that I will keep my word. Now witcher will you help me or not?" Geralt frowned, as much as he didn't want to get involved he had no choice. This man had information on Ciri and that was something he couldn't pass up.
     "Very well, I need to everything. When you last saw them, what could have happened. Did anyone here have an issue with them? Did they feel unsafe?" "I've asked the men, no ones said anything yet. Last i saw them was a few days ago. Woke up covered in my own piss, a blooming headache and they were just gone."
     Geralt scowled, that wasn't much to go on. "I need to check their rooms." "Why would you need to do that?" He blinked before inwardly groaning. Gods this man was an idiot. "To catch their trail, maybe ask around town." Philip frowned before he relented. "Very well follow me." The two soon left the room and went to the second floor landing. The baron had quickly opened both doors and had to force the other open as it was jammed.
      "Alright, do what you must. Just don't touch what isn't necessary." Geralt rolled his eyes before he walked into Tamara's room first. Finding a creepy doll and a letter did his eyes widen. It was addressed from the Eternal Fire. Slipping out of the room he showed the baron the doll and inwardly cringed when he saw it was a replica of Triss Merigold that he had made by hand.
     Shaking his bead he went down the stairs and followed a smell that led him to a hidden room. "So it's true, the Eternal Fire has finally made its way to Velen after all." Mumbling a curse he read a letter that was on the table before putting it in his pocket and going back upstairs. This time he went into the Baron and Anna's room. Right away he could tell a fight had broken out. But between who and why was another question he couldn't quite answer. Checking the room he found the broken piece of the candle stick, and that's when the smell hit him. Wine, expensive wine at that.
     "Hmm Est Est." Following the smell he ended up on the landing where he found a pendant that continued juniper berries. "Could this belong to Anna?" Deciding to go back up the stairs he stood in front of the baron. "So, any idea yet?" "It would seem that there had been a fight. A pretty violent one." "Oh?" "Yeah, and someone spilled some wine."
     Philips face turned red. "I swear if one of them laid a hand on Anna I'll...I'll." Yet Geralt cut him off. "You usually give your men Est Est?" Philip paled this time. "I don't remember much, I vaguely remember the fight between us. Like I said I woke up covered in piss and a throbbing headache. Both my wife and daughter were gone." Geralt clenched his teeth, he should have known Philip was somehow behind this.
     "Right, well I found this pendant any idea what it was for?" Philip sighed. "No, but I know Anna wore it. You should ask the Pellar, but if you need to know more you should also ask that witch who lives just outside of Midscope. Anna wouldn't have gone to her though, wasn't too fond of strangers."
     Geralt nodded and turned on his heal before he finally left. Now he had to track down a witch, and a pellar. Oh what he would give to have Selene beside him helping him figure this Shit out. With a reluctant sigh he exited the town and climbed onto Roach. The next stop was the witch of Midscope.

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