Chapter 36

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Once Selene, Iorveth, Yennifer and Geralt were all in front of Emphyr did he frown. That's when Selene saw the creature. "I've given you my best sorceress, several leads and yet all you come up with is that." That's when Yennifer spoke up. "We think it's Ciri. And if it is it's a very high leveled curse and i unfortunately can't do it here." Emphyr raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" Yennifer nodded. "Yes, that creature, uma May very well be Ciri. If it's Ciri i need to break the curse at Kaer Morhen, they have what i need there." Emphyr nodded before he turned to Selene. "Selene, May i speak with you in private?" Selene nodded and with that the rest left.
      Once they were alone Emphyr stood. "Do you know the curse?" Selene frowned. "No, but on the way Yennifer told me it's incantation." "Can you tell it to me?" Selene frowned as she tried to remember the words to the curse. "Va fail, elaine caed'mil, folie. Glaeddyv dorne aept'enaid bunn'droh, ithne, I'yachus." Emphyr blinked before nodding. "So what does it mean?" "Roughly it's dark forbidden magic, it's a curse to change and alter someone's form. Which is why Geralt and Yennifer believe it's Ciri, while I am unsure." Emphyr raised an eyebrow. "I was wondering why you didn't arrive with Geralt."
      Selene looked at the door before looking at Emphyr and the smile she gave was bone chilling. "He's with Yennifer, they know more about this mess then I do. I know the final battle with be at Kaer Morhen. I'll take charge, I don't trust anyone else to not fuck it up. So from here I'll be taking Iorveth to get more help." Emphyr nodded. "If it's not one of my men leading I will not lend aid." Selene shrugged. "That's fine, I wouldn't expect you to help. But if thats all." He nodded. "Go, get out of here. Oh and Selene."
Said woman stopped at the door. "Good luck." Selene nodded and walked out the door to where everyone else was waiting.
       "Sele, is everything alright?" "Hmm, oh yeah. He wanted to know about the curse." Geralt nodded this time. "You do know a Shit ton about them." Selene only gave him a dry look. "Hmm, Yeah. What did you discover on Skellige?" "Not much, just that Ciri was there, and Uma here might be her." "Right, anyway I'm going to Skellige, I'll see if I can't find a few more clues, or at least get us more help." Geralt frowned before nodding. "Right, Selene, can we talk?" Iorveth shot Geralt a dirty look before wrapping a protective arm around Selene. "What do you need to talk about Geralt."
      Said man sighed as Yennifer placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I called you a whore, and I'm sorry I cheated on you. I don't deserve you. I'm sorry I still love Yennifer. But I don't want to lose you either." Selene listened to what he had to say and let out a deep sigh. "I'll always be your friend Geralt, nothing more. But fair warning, those at Kaer Morhen are pissed at you. But I forgive you." Multiple sets of eyes widened. "You forgive me?" "Isn't that what I just said?"
     Geralt blinked before giving her a half hearted smile. "Also when you took those attacks....I am so sorry. I was in a bad mood, we hadn't gotten any leads and." She held up her hand. "Don't mention it. I already forgot it." "Why did you forgive him Selene?" Selene looked at Yennifer and weakly smiled. "You can't help who you love. And I clearly was never number one in his heart." Both of them stared at her in shock while Iorveth smiled softly. She was right, and he couldn't help but love her.
      Geralt noticed this and sighed before becoming defensive. "If you do to her what I did, I'll end you." Iorveth snorted. "You and what army gwynbleidd? Besides I'm not a fool, Sele would kill me first." Selene nodded at this. "I really would." "Good, Yen, I'm gonna ride back to Kaer Morhen." "That's fine. I'll open a portal for Selene and Iorveth to get to Skellige faster." Selene frowned, she hated portals with a passion. "No, we can take a boat." Yennifer raised an eyebrow. "We don't...." "no, I agree with her, we Shall take a boat. I do not need her getting sick."
      Geralt nodded at this. "She does throw up if she uses them to much." "Look, it's just safer, and I know Drew is there so he can also help you." Selene nodded, she could ask Drew to join the battle. "Fine, But I'm taking a boat the fuck back." Yennifer laughed. "Very well." And with that she opened a portal. Selene took Iorveth's hand and they walked through.
Yennifer closed the portal as Geralt also left. He would take awhile, but this also gave her time to look into the trial of grasses. With a sigh she opened a portal and went back to Kaer Morhen and promptly went up to hers and Geralt's room to start her research.
      Selene and Iorveth finally walked inside the castle and the second Crach saw her he smiled. "Selene! Welcome welcome! It's been so long!" Selene laughed as she shook the man's hand. "Always a pleasure Crach." "Yes, it is. Tell me is it true?" Selene sighed as she knew what he meant but still wanted to confirm. "That I left Geralt?" He nodded. "It's true. Don't worry about it though. He's happy with her and I'm happy with the man beside me. But let me introduce you." Crach nodded. "Crach this is Iorveth, Iorveth, Crach." The Teo shook hands while Iorveth made sure Selene wasn't feeling sick from the portal.
      "Selene, i know you came here to look around. But you see I have a favor I would like to ask." Selene looked at Crach and waited. "I need you to help my children"

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