Chapter 13

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Selene had finally made it to the garrison in White Orchard. She had stopped to talk with Bram, Elsa and Willie whom were all excited to see her. She said she had just been busy and wasn't able to come by sooner to which they understood, she was a Witcher after all. However as she dismounted Raven and made her way up the stairs a guard tried to stop her. "You can't go in there." Silver eyes narrowed as she glared at the guard.
"Listen here, I don't know if you know me, or if you're knew. But last time someone was here he had ashen colored heard, golden eyes and a scar over the right side of his face. His name is Geralt of Riva and last I heard he was here. Now stand aside and let me through so I can get the information I need." The guard paled, he had heard of the man she spoke of, and he knew now who she was. There was also the fact that she looked livid. "r...right away M'Lady." And with that he stepped aside as Selene walked through the door.
Looking around it wasn't long until she saw her target and she moved. Her steps slow and predatory. Once she was behind him did she cough to clear her throat. "Hello Peter." Said man turned around to yell at whoever had disturbed him, only to pale and scream. Selene only raised an eyebrow at this. "Now what was that for?" "Do you have any idea how terrifying it Is to turn around and see a woman glaring at you with a look saying I'm going to hurt you?"
She shrugged. "Can't say I do. But what I do know is you're going to tell me everything I want to know." Said man gulped at the way her voice lowered just an octave. "Now, last I know is that a certain Ashen haired man was here. Maybe a month or so ago. He was going to Vezima correct?" The man gulped. "You weren't here last do you know?" Selene raised an eyebrow at this. He was nervous. "Why so nervous Commander. It's not like you did something right?" He only gulped again. "Unless of course you did and it angered him. Which in turn would mean now I'm even more angry then I was. I had a very long trip and an even longer job. So, you either give me the answer I want or I promise you, I'll make what he said look like child's play."
Peter paled at this but kept his cocky arrogance. "I'll tell you what I told him. You have no bargaining chip this time." That did it, she slammed the man into the wall behind him and she applied the slightest form of pressure. "You wanna fucking try that again?" He was gasping at this point. "He's the butcher of Blavvikin. Something I'm sure he reminded you of. However, I am far worse. I am the honorary sister of the Scoia'tel, the lone female witcher, the slayer of Vinka, I single handily destroyed that town that was overrun with Nekkers and three higher level Vampires."
Peter was our right trembling. "I am Selene of Vesina, I have killed without remorse, I have killed those who crossed me. Now if you don't wish to get your ass brutally handed to you and more then half of your men dead or heavily Injured you will tell me what I want to know!" And with that she dropped the man. Peter coughed and stuttered as he tried to catch his breath. Standing up after he caught his breath he glared at her. "Now speak, is it true Geralt went to Vezima!" Peter however didn't care he drew a dagger and stabbed her right in between the ribs. A shriek ripped out from Selene, she was still recovering and well getting stabbed the way she was fucking hurt.
Peter yanked out the dagger and before he could make a second strike Selene cut off his hand and he screamed. "Let's see you win a battle now Commander." She spat the title out, as if the word was poison. However before she could kill him a single hand grabbed her arm. "Now Stormera, I understand your angry. But killing him won't help." Silver eyes clashed with blue before she put her sword away. "Grandma." The woman smiled. "Yes my Dear, and I didn't come alone." Selene raised an eyebrow. "Who else is here?" "I am Sor'ca." Selene turned and the smile that lit up her face made the others smile as well. "Iorvath!" She ran over to the elf who picked her up and spun her around.
"Welcome back my dear sister. We have all missed you." He put her down and she smiled. "It's so good to see you, but can you hold on a second. I need to make sure I am on the right path." Grandma held up her hand. "No need little one, save your strength. You are indeed on the right path." Selene smiled at this. "Thanks Grandma." "Of course, I know what's happened and what's occurred. You and Iorvath need to leave now. Head to Vezima. I'll take care of this place. After all where do you think your mother learned all of her tricks from."
Selene laughed, the sound like music. "Alright, I'll see you again soon. I see the bracelet, mum transferred some magic?" "More like woke my long dormant magic up." Selene nodded, she knew what that meant. "Jeez had none of this happened would I have had magic?" Carla laughed. "Oh I'm betting you would have been the strongest. But this happened and now you are still the strongest." Selene nodded and hugged her grandma goodbye before she left with Iorvath.
Once they were far enough away and closer to Vezima did Iorvath speak. "So Sor'ca. How is it you've been missing for 30 years?" Selene was silent before she decided to tell him everything. "I assume you'll be with me the entire time." "You assume correct, a small group will also be meeting up with us. I won't leave even after you reunite with Geralt unless I have to." Selene nodded and let out a deep breath. "I turned into a stone statue." His eyes widened. "I'm sorry you what now?" "I turned myself to stone." "Why?!"
She sighed as she ran her nails through her hair. "The Wild Hunt was after me as they are after Ciri." Iorvath blinked. "Why?" "I am the keeper of time." He spat out his water this time. "I'm sorry but you're Tilana's Descendant?!" Selene shook her head. "No, her blood line is gone. Permanently. Her power, no time needed a host. A permanent host. So it chose me the day I was born. It went dormant in my system and woke up when I let everything go. I am Selene of La Luna's Descendant. The last to carry the ability of time." Iorvath was silent for a moment. "Well shit, now I really need to keep you safe." Selene once again shrugged.
"I can defend myself. I woke up after hearing Vesemir talk to me. I've been going none stop." "Right, you'll rest soon Sor'ca. But for now, welcome to Vezima."

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