Chapter 27

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Selene looked at Iorveth who nodded. "We can do that. Give us a time and place and it can be arranged." Triss smiled. "Give me a few days to have it all set up, I have to speak with Dijkstra and make sure his end is secure. For now you two can do whatever it is you need to do, what I can say is if you're looking for Ciri you'll wanna find Corren." "Actually we've already done that. She's not here. But we still have other work to be done." Triss sighed but nodded. "I had a feeling you would say that. Anyway good luck and I'll find you when it's time." And with that the two left the grove.
      "Well Sele where to next?" Selene looked at him and almost looked guilty. "I'm sorry Iorveth but I need to go and see Roche." Said man sighed before nodding. "Right let's get going then shall we?" Silver eyes widened at this. "Wait you're actually gonna come with me?" "Mhm, I'm not letting you go alone, again I trust you, I just wanna see you throw a full groan man across a room." Selene laughed. "Wait for someone to piss me off then." "Of course." And with that they headed out of Novigrad and right towards the caves where Vernon and his men were hiding.
       "Who goes there?" "Selene Of Vesina. Lower that sword before you take someone's Fucking eye out." However the solider only tightened his grip on the sword at the sight of Iorveth. "Scoia'tael!" Selene sighed. "Guess someone's about to get his wish." Iorveth chuckled and watched as Selene jabbed the man's arm making his drop the sword before she grabbed him and threw him into the closest tree. "Oh by the way Iorveth here, and the rest are all pardoned. Anyone who hunts them now deals with me."
      "By whose orders Selene?" Selene turned and crossed her arms. "Vernon Roche." He nodded as he watched them. "By Emphyr himself. They've all be pardoned." Iorveth could have laughed su how red the man's face turned. "Right, well come in. I suppose it's safe to say i stopped hunting Scoia'tael ages ago." Selene and Iorveth followed him inside. "Is that so?" "Yes, we had more important matters to worry about." Selene nodded and without thinking she grabbed Iorveth's hand and held it tight.
       "But I have a question for you Selene." Selene nodded. "What's up Roche?" Roche looked at the two and wanted to frown in disgust yet he saw the gentle smile Selene had. They way Iorveth kept her back covered by putting himself in harms way, to the way they held hands. "Last I knew you were engaged....I take it Thats changed?" Selene sighed and Iorveth rubbed her shoulder. "Sele..." she only shook her head. "It has, you can ask Geralt yourself why he cheated on me." Roche sighed. "I knew that man would Fuck up a good thing. He's good at that."
      Iorveth snorted. "For once Dh'oine we are in agreement. He cheated on her with Yennifer and to make matters worse he almost killed her by fighting with me." Roche blinked but it was Ves who screamed. "He fucking what?!" "Yes, he and I got into a fight. He didn't like
How close I was to Sele here, and i didn't like him controlling her. He didn't take into account she would get in the middle of the fight and hit her with Yrden and Arrd." "That lousy son of a whore! I'll gut him like a fish!"
      Selene half smiled at this as she leaned against Iorveth who wrapped his arms around her. "No need, Sele here blasted him twice and then upper handed him in the chin." Roche laughed. "Oh that's great. Now the biggest question is when I last saw Geralt he said you were not more then a stone statue?" Selene growled under her breath and Iorveth blinked. "Well then." "I promise Roche I'll explain when it's time." "Of course. By the way Iorveth?" "Yes Vernon?" "You harm her like he did, and I'll kill you."
       "Roche..." "No, I respect you Selene. Truly I do. I won't let someone else hurt you like that again." Selene sighed as she listened. "Look he hurts me like Geralt did and I'm gonna fucking kill him." Iorveth felt his eyes widen and he tightened his grip. "Now Sele, you know I won't do that." "I know, Trust me on that one." He chuckled and Vernon could see how he changed. "Damn, you really have changed." "I have. And it's all thanks to this insane woman right here." Selene rolled her eyes.
      "I did absolutely nothing." Iorveth covered her mouth with his hand and listened to her muffled complaints. "Bite a bit harder Sele, I didn't even feel that." Roche blinked before he laughed. "Damn idiot. Anyway you wanna explain?" And with that Iorveth told them how Selene had managed to open their eyes to a different truth and made them realize not everyone was bad. "She's amazing isn't she?" "Yeah, she really is." Just then Selene bit Iorveth's hand again and he chuckled. "Oh, so now I felt the bite. You do know I bite back correct? And I bite much harder."
     Selene felt her face heat up as she tried to move his hand away. Yet Iorveth had a wicked look to his eyes and both Roche and Ves turned away leaving Selene confused. However before she could do anything else Iorveth was moving his hand and the next thing she knew is he was biting her neck hard and she had to bite her tongue. He had managed to find the sensitive part of her neck and he did bite much harder forcing a shudder down her Spine.
      "See Sele? I told you I bite back." And with that he nipped her ear hard pulling a startled gasp from the woman he held against him. Selene covered her face with her hands as she felt her heart speed up and he chuckled. "Adorable." "I'll get you for this Iorveth." He smiled as he rubbed her back. "I'm sure you will and I'll be waiting for it." Roche turned around and laughed. "Gods I wish we could capture this moment." Selene scowled and Iorveth howled with laughter.
      "Anyway, since he's being a bully, Roche can you meet us at Kaer Morhen? I have a feeling that's where the battle with the wild hunt will be." "Of course, I'll bring my men with. When should we set out?" "I would say as soon as you can." "Of course. Be safe Selene. You as well Iorveth." And with that the two left as Roche started commanding his men to ready for their march to Kaer Morhen. "Where do we go from here Sele?" "Hmm, back to Novigrad. We can look around take some jobs. Wait till Triss is ready."
      He chuckled. "Or." "Or?" He only grinned at her. "I'm not saying. I'll let you suffer." Selene rolled her eyes and before he knew what was happening she had him pinned to a tree where she bit his neck before walking off leaving a very startled Iorveth. "Sweet fuck. Woman next time you do that I will not be responsible for what I do to you." Selene stuck her tongue out at him and he raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Now we're sticking our tongues out at people?" Selene shrugged as she kept walking. Iorveth laughed as he finally caught up with her and pulled her into another cave. "Iorveth?"
     However he only shook his head before he pulled her close to him. "Do you have any idea, and I mean any idea how much you mean to me?" Selene blinked a bit confused. "No, I honestly don't." He smiled down at her as he cupped the side of her face. "Shall I tell you Selene? Shall I tell you how utterly crazy you drive me? How much you mean to me?" Selene shivered as she gripped his shirt. Her voice suddenly gone. "Y....yes." He only smiled before he leaned down and ghosted his lips across her own.
       "You mean the world to me. No not some cliche meaning either. Selene you saw the good in me when I thought it no longer existed, you saw the beauty in a world that turned its back on your kind. You are the kindest woman I've met. Powerful. Not because of what you are. But because you are you, and you are forgiving. You've endured pain no one ever should have felt, and you've over come it. You continued to get up each time someone knocked you down. You continued to fight for whats right. You didn't let someone destroy you. You've had a shit life, a horrible past. And yet you're still the same loving woman."
      Selene was shocked at this yet he kept speaking. "You give and give you Never once took. And honestly you deserve to be selfish for once. You deserve to have a happy ending. Sele life gave you so many challenges, yet each one you've over come. I am absolutely in awe of it all. You inspire and encourage, you give hope. You are absolutely beautiful, scars and all. I won't ever ask you to change Selene. Because you're fine just the way you are. While I know for you it might be to soon, I need you to know I love you. I've loved you since our first meeting when our blades clashed together and fell even more in love when you saved us from the Dh'oine who ambushed us. You don't have to tell me how you feel, because I know you need time."
      Selene however stared at the man in front of her. She had never heard a confession like that. Sure she had heard Geralt compliment her before. Even talk about their past together. But never on a scale like this. Iorveth however was worried if he had said it far to soon. "Kiss me." Her voice was a whisper and he raised an eyebrow. "What did you said?" "I said kiss me Damnit Ior-" And with that she was cut off as his lips came crashing down on hers. Her hands immediately gripping his shoulders as he held her close to him before allowing them to trail up her back until he was cradling her face in his hands. Pulling back a bit Selene looked him right in the eye and spoke. "Ni meleth Le Iorveth."

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