Chapter 5

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Violet eyes widened in shock, she wasn't expecting anyone to suddenly appear in the room. Violet eyes stared into icy blue and she gulped. "Meya." Meya chuckled. "Oh yes, it's me. Any reason you were trying to hit my son in law?" Geralt blinked before he snickered. "Well then, hello to you to Meya." "You May call me mother. Unless you still dislike me." "I'll stick with Meya for awhile. But what brought you here?" "I came to see how you were. After my daughter turned herself to stone, I know you had a hard time adjusting."
       Geralt nodded as he sighed. "I miss her." "I know. But for now, let us leave this awful place. I'll meet you outside." Yennifer scowled and then turned around and left. Geralt looked at Meya and watched as she vanished and went to wait outside. Geralt went and got his belongings before he too left and saw Meya waiting for him at the gate with Roach and another horse. "Traveling with me?" "I am. I might have a few idea's as to what can wake Selene from her deep slumber."
       Geralt felt his eyes widen as they left Vezima. "How?" They continues to travel in silence for a moment as she thought of how to phrase this. "One, Ciri does it. She calls to Selene which will awaken her from the stone. Two Ciri's blood, as she's a child of elder blood it'll awaken Selene as well. Or three, the least likely scenario." Geralt just nodded at her to continue. "Selene wakens on her own. She would need to feel a reason to wake up, she would need to feel a strong urge. Or she could just awaken on her own. But like I said that's the least likely one to happen."
     Geralt frowned. "Why would that be the least likely to occur?" Meya was silent for a second. "Selene turned herself to stone to hide from the hunt, who have no idea it's her they seek. They've turned their attention to finding Ciri for now. But they do need Selene. What for I do not wish to know. They do not care if they live or die." Geralt scowled. "If it wasn't for the fact I had to check two places out first for a lead on Ciri I would be heading straight to Kaer Morhen." "I know. But come we have a long trip ahead of us. And I don't know how long I can stay before I am needed else where." Geralt nodded, he knew she was busy, that she had an entire place to take care of. So with a sigh the duo continued their way to Velen. It was time to track Ciri down.

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