Chapter 35

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It was weeks later when Selene, Iorveth and the rest finally arrived at Kaer Morhen. No one knew if Geralt was there yet, nor did she care to find out. She just wanted to make sure everyone else was there and to see what else she could to do help prepare for the battle. As the group drew closer to the castle Selene could already hear Lambert yelling and Zoltan's laugh. "Come on Lambert, if you keep picking fights with the Scoia'tael, you realize you will regret it." "Yeah well, I wanna know why they're here."
     "Because I invited them Lambert." Zoltan turned first and grinned. "I'll be damned, you're finally here Selene!" Lambert turned as well with a raised eyebrow. "Wait, you're here but where is Geralt and when did you wake up?" Selene blinked as she sighed "it's been what a few months?" Iorveth nodded. "Indeed Sele." Selene looked at Lambert and sighed. "So I take it I'm here before Geralt?" "Yeah actually, when the Scoia'tael showed up, the archers anyway I was confused. They wouldn't give a straight answer. Then Ele'yas showed up a few weeks ago with supplies, you've been sending people here?"
        Selene simply nodded as she continued to listen. "I did, I sent Kiera Metz, Zoltan And Roche, he should be here with Ves and his group. Iorveth beside me sent the Scoia'tael." "Hmm, Alright then. But where is Geralt?" Selene sighed as she looked at Iorveth once more. "Perhaps Vatt'ghern you can get the others and we can all discuss this." "Right, shall we head inside then?" "That's a good idea." And with that Selene and Iorveth followed Lambert who grabbed Eskel on the way. Said man was just as confused.
       "Selene, as happy as I am to see you, and glad for all the help, especially since the Scoia'tael repaired a lot of the damage." "Like sealing the hole in the wall?" "Yep. I wanna know where is Geralt?" Selene rolled her eyes. "We wait for Vesemir, I am not saying this story twice." Eskel blinked but nodded and soon followed them into the building where Kiera was speaking the Vesemir. "Oh Selene you finally made it." "Yeah, had a few more things to do on the way. Speaking of Vesemir we need to talk. And by we I mean everyone with me except Kiera as she already knows the story."
      "Oh, that. Well I'm gonna go see if you have the herbs I need to make elixirs." And with that she quickly took off. Vesemir looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Hello Selene, Iorveth. Pleasure to see you both. But." "Geralt isn't with me. As a matter of fact that's why we all need to talk." Vesemir was suddenly worried but nodded and listened as Selene and Iorveth told the story. Iorveth filling in what she didn't know, and couldn't remember and Selene telling the rest.
     For a moment everyone was silent. "He fucking cheated on you...." Selene nodded as she watched Lambert's face. "What a fuckin idiot. Iorveth I swear if you hurt her I'll kill you." "You'll have to get past Cedric first and that's only if Selene doesn't out right murder me herself." Vesemir however was silent for a few minutes. "He is a fool. Selene I'm sorry you endured that." Selene shrugged. "It's fine. I assume since we got here first Geralt has yet to show." "That's correct. However...."
      "Selene." Said woman stiffened at the sound of her name and she turned to look at the person who spoke. "Yennifer." The two stared at each other for a moment. Before Yennifer spoke. "I wanted to apologize." "Save it. Just keep away from me." Yennifer sighed as she grabbed Selene's arm. "We actually need to talk." "No, I'm going to go eat. I'm sure had they known what happened before I got here, they wouldn't have been as thrilled." "Trust me, we weren't thrilled at all, and we still aren't thrilled." Selene looked at Lambert and shrugged. "Right, I'm assuming the talk is you can't find Ciri." Yennifer looked away and Selene sighed.
       "I guess I'm going to Skellige huh?" "No, she isn't there, Geralt went to Get a creature named uma. But all four of us need to go and meet with Emphyr." Selene stared at the woman before she cursed. "Fuck, i guess we have no choice." "No I'm afraid not. But don't worry, I'll portal the three of us there. Geralt should already be there." Selene looked at Iorveth who shrugged. "I promise Sele as soon as we're done there you can eat and do whatever you want." Selene sighed before she looked at Yennifer. "Fine open the portal. Let's get this over with." Yennifer nodded and opened the portal and with that the three walked through the portal that would take them to Vezima.

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